Conversion program is currently digalakan by the government knowingly or not has caused a lot of pros and cons in the community. This is considered normal in society because it means there is freedom of speech that each person freely express well but should be based with responsibility. Many of the people who want their lives running smoothly. But the spirit which is owned by the government on the pros and cons will be an excellent ahirnya which was won by the government. But the government has much to learn from experience, how to deal with actions that deny the government's program. Among the issues with the existing switch and make other, more discourse in public wearing. An example is in full swing at the moment, there are issues about the height of an increase in fuel prices the government turned to the issue of dissolution of the FPI or other issues.
Conversion program is being conducted by the government has caused turmoil in many communities. Society is still confused with what is conversion. That it took a lot of information especially about the lack or excess of the conversion program kerosene stove to heat the gas. Menyalahkah not ... but it's weaknesses and strengths in a program are sometimes manipulated so that the people like no other options.
Moreover, the education level of the people of Indonesia that is still influential in the lower part of the success of government programs. Constraints typically encountered in the delivery of messages is aimed at lower-class society. Automatic delivery of the message was not easy. Effort needs to be the message, clearly understood by the public. The work done must not be confused with all the circles, which required a lot of ways or a variety of delivery of the people to be understood by the public that is the subject of the conversion program. I demonstrated the delivery of media such as done by diversivikasi various media that might be done.
Good socialization is not necessarily even be able to open the eyes of a small masyarakta the target of the conversion program is to follow what is suggested by the government. Outside there are many other factors contribute to the community's willingness to accept the kerosene conversion program to the gas.
The role of the individual itself is a key factor that could be used as a benchmark in the success of this program. Because everything's decision whether society will use the gas stove is the conversion of each individual in society. Acceptance of this conversion gas burner that is based on a knowledge of the individual, based on the experience gained by each individual, and it is one of the important things. Their interaction in the community can provide a broad insight. But sometimes people experience a less memorable experience. Although gas has many advantages but less means nothing if someone heard bad about the gas stove. Although a little ugliness, but more memorable than the good. For example, if there is a gas explosion, which aired on television, the desire to receive gas as an energy source will be reduced. So for Pertamina to give rewards to the press that if there is an explosion of stove diekpos not Pertamina overdrawn ..... yes ... hehehhehe dong ....
Technology from the gas stove is a more advanced technology than the kerosene stove. Kecanggihannaya but are not necessarily easily understood by masyarakta. And this is very membahaykakan if viewed from the risk it creates, because knowledge is limited. For example an error that may be made and the impact of prolonged trauma for the people who own experience or see happen in other places that cause an accident fatalities.
In order for this conversion goes well it is a difficult task for the government. Moreover the government is now saving oil consumption. And in doing this conversion program is not to rush to geesa conversion program can work well. Because if it is done in a hurry there will be elements that are not ready, and this is really a potential to be a big problem. Starting from the procurement of an incorrect tube until the tube production was impressed arbitrary, or regulators and hoses are random.
Socialization is best done by the oil companies or by government is one that will deliver the key success of this program. Government and party and Pertamina have a lot of funds budgeted for this program. Because the media used are television, magazines, newspapers, billboards, banners, calendars or the media that much more accessible to people who need big money to advertise.
But in doing socialization not only use communication media such as those mentioned above. But it is done by mobilizing konprehensip with human workers to go directly home-home. Kind of extension workers that involves many parties to provide direct counseling and even practice. So far the people have more confidence if the practice directly and thus be better informed about the gas stove rather than just through the ads that do not know what he meant.
There are many factors that affect the I think the public acceptance of this conversion program.
Personal Factors
The most dominant factor in determining public attitudes toward the kerosene conversion program is an individual factor. This factor concerns the motivation of the people in this menyikapai conversion program. The information obtained is not directly applied by the community but it is only taken into consideration only. Selanjutya people find their own experiences on the use of gas stoves. They also made contact with citizens of other and increased their knowledge more. With whom they associate will also determine a person's decision to accept this conversion program. For example, a pedicab driver who often ridden by someone who already has a gas stove. Surely it's easier to absorb comprehensive information about the gas stove when the pedicab ride was able to convince builders that use a gas stove is a must and the many benefits that can be gained.
Level of education also helped to determine their acceptance of this gas. Indonesian people, mostly low education caused the government had difficulty in the conversion program. Needed intelligence from the government or related parties to convince people to want to use the gas stove.
Most of the recipients of this conversion program is that earlier people used to use kerosene stoves to cook untulk. But with the existence of this program would not want people to use the stove gas. There is a first adjustment to terbisa using the gas stove. Society requires at least enough time so that adjustments can proceed smoothly.
Not all individuals showed a positive thing for this conversion. They are hard to change old habits are accustomed to using kerosene stove suddenly be told to use gas stoves. There are some people who just returned back burner that have been distributed to the dealer (news sctv, 2008). Most are still traumatized about the security level of this stove is in the media have caused many deaths due to explosion of gas cylinders.
Is still limited knowledge about the real conditions of the gas stove also provides a major contribution to this conversion program. Public knowledge society soeolah changed only for the conversion program. The previous uses kerosene stoves for their daily cooking and they were used for small things like they can improve the oil stove in the event of damage. Unusual behavior that would occur if the kerosene conversion program has been going on. They will be confused to use it to fix it even if there is damage will be difficult to do because the gas stove is a new thing.
The use made of the gas stove was not safe for the safety of its users. Especially with the knowledge that people still lack of safety in the use of gas cylinders. And apparently this is already recognized by most people who become targets of this program led to the conversion and acceptance from the community had decreased.
Many of the people who have received a gas stove conversion, but many were saved only. Their concerns about the dangers of the main reasons why not to use a gas stove. When this happens will inhibit the conversion program. And it obscures the public confidence in government.
There are also other things to the attention of the recipient. Communities that previously used to use kerosene stoves purchased at a price thousands of dollars for every purchase, but these habits be changed simply by the authorized institutions. This involves the problem of allocation of funds used to purchase three kilograms tube Rp13.000 prices, from the previous society could buy just about Rp3.000, then society must allocate substantial funds to buy gas cylinders. To purchase price of the tube which would make the poor have many difficulties. Income patterns of poor people if they get the money directly to buy for dinner. With the conversion program will be threatened by the poor to meet their food needs. Small communities generally are not fond of saving. Not they do not want to but the money can be referred directly to buy other needs. Unless the majority of the income of the Indonesian community that fine-fine aja broo.
The use of gas stoves are identical to those in the established economic status. They are able to use it for the money dimiki able to support the smoothness. For example if there is damage to the regulator it will be soon able to buy a new regulator to be replaced quickly. But if that happens the opposite of medium-class society, in the event of damage to parts, medium-class society will have difficulty in improving the gas stove to be used again as usual, because it does not have a reserve fund for the procurement of a defective regulator. Maybe if pertamina provide a lifetime warranty for a damaged regulator may be a different story, people will clearly be helpful.
Expensive component of the gas stove is a distinct threat of pengunanya. Especially now that the parts were still scarce. Consideration additional costs such as damage to the unexpected damage to the regulator hose until ready to threaten at any moment. This is what triggered the cost of gas stove use was higher than the kerosene stove. With the price of spare parts will be relatively expensive very difficult for the public finances. Moreover, the price of the necessities of life which is getting more expensive without offset by increased income will be very difficult to guarantee the basic needs people to stay satisfied.
Conversion program endorsed by the government to save the state budget from the burden of subsidies for fuel oil increased in price increases. The transfer from the original use of kerosene stove burner that was replaced using a gas because the gas reserves in Indonesia is still sufficient time longer than reserves for petroleum. But of course this is also the logic of saving a little difficult to understand among the laity. Because of the poor, who they know to buy a half liter of kerosene (subsidized) can actually save expenses. Meanwhile, the mayor cited Depok Nurmahmudi Ismail-impossible to buy half of LPG gas cylinders are reduced in size despite a 3 kg. In summary, very poor price-sensitive because their earnings are often erratic. (Zuhadiat August 28, 2007)
Factor technology products
Products created by the government in this conversion program is in the form of tubes, burner, hose and regulator. Since the beginning of the acquisition has occurred various problems. Among others who do not schedule time until the tendering issue is wrong tube. All that has become the familiar ingredients if there is in Indonesia. Even for not able to make their own must be imported from other countries. Existing technology in different gas stove kerosene stove. More modern gas stove. So difficult for laymen to understand.
Technology of the kerosene stove that is not too complicated, easier to understand than the gas stove. Kerosene stove wicks only use made of cloth shaped like a rope and put into a hole that connects with the fuel. So if you want to stay lit for the cooking fire from a match.
Gas stove is much more complicated. Because the material used is a product safety standard prescribed. For example hose used to deliver fuel from the canister to the stove have to be really safe there should be no leaks at all. If there is kebbocoran result of methane (CH4) will come out and remove the unpleasant smell and could have been a big explosion. At the end of the tube is used to install the valve, so the gas does not come out so that the health to stay awake because they do not inhale the gas which had leaked.
According to David Dickson (1979) that technology because they are not neutral by the social context of economic, political and reprosuksinya production process. So always play the role of technology in politics, society. Society really does not have many options from the use of this gas, people just seem to accept it, because it is not given an alternative to other technologies. Penguasalah which plays an important role in the conversion program. Pertamina and the Government benefited from the conversion program. Projects that reach trillions of rupiah has been the wetlands of interested parties in obtaining more money. Tendering process could also reflect from this program are used by certain people for profit. Such political suatau in bringing the goods. Companies are the companies that are Perusaan a cooperative by the government. So that the profits into the pockets of only certain people only. As quoted from
Tube size 3-kg gas imported by Global Pacific Energy (GPE) from China suspected to be ordered by the conversion program pemenan gtender tube. "There's probably one of the winners of the tender by way of purchase of goods sent directly to the factory (winner of the tender) and then sent to Pertamina by it as its own production, "said Chairman of the Steel Tube Industry Association (Asitab) Tjiptadi when dihubungidetikFinance, Friday (2 / 11). If the suspicion is correct, according to Tjiptadi, difficult to track who the winner of the tender to import these tubes. However, Tjiptadi suggested one way of tracking is to see the initials written on tabungg handle it. "The guard hangs written the year of manufacture, weight, which is bisaanya his Pertamina logo. Written therein initials of the company winning the tender, "he said.
To ensure that Tjiptadi will direct physical check of gas cylinders imported Sabtu.Berdasarkan China's Customs data from LPG cylinders measuring 3 kg in imports from China had been purchased with a low enough price of U.S. $ 4.93 or USD 44.800 with the exchange rate as of 9100 AS.Harga dollar is much cheaper than the price that must be ordered Pertamina to Global Pacific industrilokalRp91ribu.PT importing 2 containers Eenergy gas cylinder 3 kg with a total value of goods (CIF) U.S. $ 36,205.92 or USD 329.4 million.
From the picture above to indicate that the conversion program undertaken by the government covered a lot of problems. This must be addressed immediately in order not menimbulakan bigger problems later on.
No longer say that the technology of gas plays a strategic role of the ruler. The role of regulation is determined by the government in handling the provision of stoves and equipment. Many of the companies involved in this project is questionable on a sincere intention to help the community. After all, whatever the motivation dibalaik The company companies in doing the program should really consider the interests of society at large. For example workmanship impressed tube perfunctory because the quantity and the pursuit of profit, with no attention to the quality and make the program a project only for the money. So what happens is the small people who do not know what a victim of the system is wrong above., Such goods are not perfectly distributed. Thus although the products produced bad for society but it may lower middle was considered good. And this downward Menegah class will feel comfortable because if they're taken care of by the government. According to Marx this is called false consciousness.
After the program is running question of whether the gas stove can be used for all people. What about ordinary people who do not memesak by using only one axis. And if the merchants could use the gas stove to continue business as traders meatballs, pancakes, cakes bowsprit or other traders.
For families who have a large number of members will be difficult to adapt from this conversion. Distributed gas burner uses only one axis only in rural areas while most people who have a large number of family members before any program to use your cooking conversions in more than one axis. This is because the number of family members and to prepare dishes in quick time. While stove conversion programs are currently made using only one axis only. So will the families who have such great members will have difficulty in meeting the needs of cooking. And could be the other members must wait longer to get food. Long Kebisaaan changed so fast. If you can not adjust would be trouble. For the adjustment is also needed additional capital to buy another stove.
As for ordinary traders who hung his business with kerosene stove, the presence of new products in the form of a gas stove would deprive the traders who are accustomed to using kerosene stoves. Dberikan stove that had to be modified again to suit their business needs.
The traders here have more priority than changing patterns of use kerosene stove that will switch to gas stoves. Stoves that do not have equal distribution among all people. There are certain social groups who should get the suit the needs of each household is different.
When talking about the technology means talking about the risks taken. The more complex the technology the risks that will arise will also be greater. These possibilities is the boom cylinders of LPG stoves. It's a lot of victims who died or were injured. As if a ghost is scaring people. Because the community will also be concerned about the impact that would arise if they use the stove. Everything else no one can be sure that the stove is distributed completely safe to use. But we can see from the system safety standards that had been in Indonesia. Various events in Indonesia accident occurred because the low level of security. An example is the case Sidoardjo mud. Or small things like a car that fell from the roof of high rise building because the building is not adequate.
Technology is also related to the costs required to make these stoves. The price of a tube that reached Rp200.000 may not be a problem, but other components such as hoses and regulators also have the responsibility themselves by pengunanya. Yet the quality of the hose and regulator is not necessarily good. Thus it is possible to damage in the near future. And this would require extra costs for maintenance.
To use a gas stove was more easily compared with oil-fueled stove soil. With a gas stove just play button, no need to use to trigger a match flame. While on the kerosene stove we still need a match to light it. So that actually use the gas stove easier. But for a different treatment altogether. If we use a kerosene stove that problems often arise which fuse replacement problem. But it was easy because at the home can be found at nearby stalls. Whereas if you use a complex gas treatment. Need a special technique that can install components. For example how to install the hoses and regulators. While not all the parts around the house menyediakanya merchants.
Factor communication
Communication factors are the spearhead of this conversion program. Good communication is the correct delivery of information and public receives the full target without resistance. Whether or not the communication was made will affect the community in the receiving program.
In need of a medium of communication that can bring the message correctly. And the public can access it easily. Which was carried out by the government to disseminate through the media of television and print media.
If we look at the TV screen around the beginning of 2007 until the end of the year 2007 we often diduguhi by advertising on the usage of gas stoves. In the ad footage we can see a family that replace oil stoves with gas stoves. Family background is from a family background medium. From it we can see that the intended target of the economic family menegnah down. And the atmosphere at the show on an ad that is an urban atmosphere packed. One of the featured role of the advantages of using a gas stove from the side of cleanliness. If using a kerosene stove will burn exposed face corang-careng. And if we use a gas stove will get a good face, and loved by her husband added. And there is also another version of the ad that is similarly shows a puff family down the material dealing with security dalan using gas stoves. In ad terebut told that the gas stove would be safe if its use in accordance with the rules of ada.Itulah brief commercials appearing in most of the television.
Regarding advertising materials that tell about the families who use the stove, it will be clean, just clean the diihat of course be added but not only from one side but can be added on other benefits such as fuel usage saves and will save the financial state. State continuity sehigga not last long. Told about the ad about the security of the gas stove is a good idea that helped give tips on what to do when faced with problems in usage. For example what to do if there ngosos voice, how to heat a durable in use, and others.
Viewed from the effectiveness of those ads are already accepted by most people. Is the ad was pulled. Given the nation of Indonesia is a pluralistic nation that has many differences from each community. Favorite so different, too. Perhaps the ad footage above is suitable only for urban communities only. Because the urban communities have the same kebisaaan what is described in the ad. So that they feel that it is a picture of real life from them. Communities are located outside the urban area has its own culture and if you see ads like the above excerpt will be difficult to understand because the culture was different naupun. And this should be taken by relevant parties such as government and Pertamina.
And if it is able to reach all parts of Indonesia. About who the intended also to be a key factor of socialization program. Because not all stations can receive television broadcasts reach all regions in Indonesia. Given the archipelago of Indonesia which require a mature strategy. Socialization is not only done by television alone but must involve other media, such as radio and print media.
Socialization to be in the travel
Efforts must be in by the government to take the stove and the tube that was distributed not in the back again for fear of exploding or because the quality of its products are not good.
Dikukan efforts are needed to socialize with the right target. The way of using media that can be accessed by most of the people of Indonesia for example is television. The material presented is not only for one or two classes alone but for all circles. With many ad variations could be made public is not tired to see it. And probably not wearing one ad on a particular group but with masyarakaat ads presented in a different way might be wearing. Examples of people who loved music dangdut needs to make a lot of display advertising dangdut music. Many people also have characters who became an idol. In the advertising material which needs to involve kalngan become an idol like religious figures, or figures from the political parties. Or made on the basis of regional origin. For example using the language of a particular region, but appeared on local television.
There should also use other media such as print media as well as pamlet-pamlet brochures are distributed to the society. With media like this in anticipation for the people who do not have access to television and radio media.
But the most important part of socialization is to the community. So how is the direct flip spaciousness by the officers to provide training to the community. People were given a direct example of how the practice of how to install, use and maintenance ways to avoid the danger that posed by the gas stove
The scarcity of gas cylinders
The scarcity of gas cylinders in the market also affects whether or not fast conversion program. There are various kinds of cases that could be a description of programs that are less well planned. As the following quote taken from the daily afternoon insight.
The absence of the highest retail pricing (HET) on sale of LPG fuel type size of three kilograms of making PT Pertamina difficulty monitoring the market price. PT Pertamina currently sells LPG to base the price per kilogram of USD 4250 or USD 12,700 per tube, the size of three kilograms unutk. As for the base be tolerated sell for Rp 13 thousand or a maximum of Rp 13.500 per tube, "said Heppy Wulansari, PR Pertamina Central Java-Yogyakarta Distribution when dibubungi insight this morning. He also admitted, related to the sale of LPG range Rp 14,000, it has yet to take anticipatory steps. "Because there is no HET, which can currently be done only member price highest selling price appeals to the agent. (Insight, 4 June 2008)
Government and the government in a hurry in any way to fast conversion program. So that such problems will only bother many parties. As the scarcity of gas cylinders is happening in many places. In addition we also have to import from abroad tubes for domestic production insufficiency. Experience in many countries, the transition to a more modern energy takes up at least tens of years. For example, in the United States needs nearly 70 years (1850-1920) and in Korea it take only 30 years (1950-80) as a result of advances in technology (Barnes, flash, and Floor, 1997). Brazil residents who use LPG as much as 16 percent in 1960 to 78 percent in 1985, and almost entirely in 2004 (UN Millennium Project, 2005 in Zuhadiat).
insight, 4 June 2008
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