Blog is one of the tools used for various purposes. Among the functions of the blog is to help someone in this publication to be viewed by many people. When someone writes on the blog and want to know other people so we can also become famous for it, and could even bring in good fortune because we are actively writing on a blog. For example someone who is known for diligent writing a particular topic, and until someone who read and are interested to take advantage of someone who writes the blog is to become an expert on something. In the field of business blog serves as a promotional goods / services are very cheap merchandise, because to have a blog does not have to pay. Blogs can also bring in money itself that is the way to register our blog to google adsense. Do not need special skills to be able to have a blog. As usual a load facebook, myspace and sites others. Only required seriousness really solid from the owner to seriously always update their blogs so that the information contained in the new blog. Well do not have length, this time I'll use the blogs of bloggers.
1. Go to site click the orange "create blog"
2. Step 1 is to create a google account. But for those who already have an email from gmail to live to click prior Slogin blue. If you menggukan these steps will be faced with the option to enter your Google account. Write the problem as you open the email from google. But if you have an email other than or equal to your google account fill out the provided form fill properly. Then if you've filled it all click continue to proceed to the third round of
3. The second step is to enter a blog that you want for your blog. On the blog title insert title or theme of your blog. And complete fill in the blog address name such as blogs that fill your name or other name you want. Do not forget to check it out by clicking the check avaibility. If there are words Sorry, this blog address is not available, then immediately replace it with another name to click check availability if no writing This blog address is available, then fill verivication word, write what you see fit. Then click continue.
4. Then the next step is to select the template you want. click one you want and if it is appropriate to immediately click continue. After that you are ready to make writing blogs. Write down the title father of the title, then write your own is what you want to write. Do not forget to click on publish after it's all over .... Trying safe ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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