Membuat Penting Hal yang Tidak Penting dan Membuat Tidak Penting Hal yang Dianggap Penting.
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
White Water "fressssssh"
Afternoons are exhausting. Moreover, very hot day, hot sun seemed to be above the crown of my head. Plus the usual supply of drinking I take it with aqua brand is in there my red bag inside. That morning I started from a visit to the boarding friends to ask informants who would I wear to skripsiku. er nyampe his boarding house I was looking for an informant who was teach in Bantul. Yes's known since the plan failed to meet the informant used the plan b is to find an informant who is a merchant shop. er it meant I was looking for a housewife ... it ... man I met in the gutter mataram is not married, but when seen from outside the person's old and as housewives. Then with the motor with the technology from Honda I tried to go to college and wants to meet an informant who was in the library exactly in the Corner of the World Bank. His fate was the same informant akau not get what I want ... Okay lah kalo .. so .. I went straight to the place where I'm writing right now ... rather than the FISIPOL ugm ti .. I go with the feeling that no gift-karuan just confused my feelings .. aja why not also the informant .. . oh begginilah thesis do need a persistence. I was recently just realized I own reply lacked passion for thesis ... although I've written until chapter 3 and chapter is the chapter .. and thank God that chapter is over just who is included opinions about the informant ... I did go keruang FISIPOL .. while buka2 facebook and surf internet, it karuan until sleepy ... After the prayers there ashar pas kalo sms friend who was training me directly voly think ... bodies all day and evening lemes voly play that day .. but I just had to eat it .. 1 x Kick-effective to increase my stamina before the game that I used voly honey .. I took a fresh cold water and the inclusion of water into a glass of white mugs made of ceramic ... then I take the original honey and hopefully the original ... because honey is purchased by the associate dean FISIPOL ... after the honeymoon and I entered stir until the water was turned into a brown and white ... and then ... wooooow segeeeeeeeerr brooooooo alhamdulillah I can still feel the dish of very fresh GOD ... maybe this is a wine for me has been waiting for the real drunk .. after I drink it ... feel my body seemed on the contents of a very large energy .. like toy cars that aa battery was replaced with alkaline batteries .. seemed to be a spirit again. as the new land in the contents of the spirit of god ... .. my life .. my mind open burning seemed anxious to play voly ... And eventually went on to play .. voly the evening train teman2 sons friends new daughter team members .. Volly FISIPOL time between the teams compete with teams daughter's son, son team faked it .. there are no rules for the team smas son that there should only be pasing .. Malemnya I came koskosan ... but right on the road before I bought a used hot tea .. I bought a hot tea on training time because my stomach was so sore voly and after tea anget it slowly healed .. my stomach was warm tea works to heal abdominal pain .. kirain after showering I can not share the rest of the sacrificial meat yesterday ternyaata er kos mother does not cook rice lah .. so be it ... just buy rice tempeh vegetable +2 = 3500 ... yes udahlah I had dinner ... and was fed so I do not know why I was quick to fill the day when I just had to eat 2 times ... ga papa is important to eat ..
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