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Senin, 28 Desember 2009
CRITERIA Subcommand (CSCOXREG command)
CRITERIA Subcommand (CSCOXREG command)
CILEVEL = number
Confidence interval level for coefficient estimates, exponentiated coefficient estimates, survival function estimates, and cumulative hazard function estimates. Specify a value greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100. The default value is 95.
DF = number
Sampling design degrees of freedom to use in computing p values for all test statistics. Specify a positive number. The default value is the difference between the number of primary sampling units and the number of strata in the first stage of sampling.
Log-likelihood function convergence criterion. Convergence is assumed if the relative or absolute change in the log-likelihood function is less than the given value. This criterion is not used if the value is 0.
Specify square brackets containing a non-negative number followed optionally by keyword RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE, which indicates the type of change. The default value is 0; the default type is RELATIVE.
MXITER = integer
Maximum number of iterations. Specify a non-negative integer. The default value is 100.
MXSTEP = integer
Maximum step-halving allowed. Specify a positive integer. The default value is 5.
Parameter estimates convergence criterion. Convergence is assumed if the relative or absolute change in the parameter estimates is less than the given value. This criterion is not used if the value is 0.
Specify square brackets containing a non-negative number followed optionally by keyword RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE, which indicates the type of change. The default value is 10-6; the default type is RELATIVE.
SINGULAR = number
Tolerance value used to test for singularity. Specify a positive value. The default value is 10-12.
Tie breaking method in estimating parameters. The default Efron method is specified by the keyword EFRON; the default Breslow method is specified by the keyword BRESLOW.
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