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Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan , Studi Kasus di Lombok

Jika  kita berkeliling dan menyusuri jalanan disekitar kita  maka akan  mudah ditemui proyek pembangunan yang menggunakan sawah sebagai tempat untuk membangun. Banyak bangunan didirikan diatas sawah dimana tanaman yang ada disamping bangunan yang sedang dibangun tampak hijau subur. Seolah proyek pembangunan  bangunan tersebut mengganggu pemandangan akan asri hijaunya sawah disebelahnya.

Alih fungsi lahan sekarang marak dilakukan disekitar lingkungan kita. Dengan mengambil tanah dari lahan pertanian yang subur telah menyebabkan banyak lahan subur dikonversi menjadi berbagai bentuk kegiatan diluar non pertanian. Jika hal ini terus dibiarkan maka ancaman terhadap ketahanan pangan khususnya  di sekitar tempat kita  dan Indonesia  pada umumnya akan terjadi .

Salah satu contoh tempat di Indonesia yang mengalami konversi lahan dengan intensitas tinggi yaitu Pulau Lombok. Pulau ini   memiliki perkembangan yang dinamis dan hal ini telah menjadi magnet yang kuat untuk tempat mendirikan usaha.  Berdirinya tempat usaha bagaikan jamur dimusim hujan yang sulit untuk dikendalikan. . Pembangunan BIL (Bandara Internasional Lombok) adalah salah satunya. Dimana dalam pembangunan bandara tersebut  telah banyak memicu pengalih fungsi lahan. Lahan-lahan pertanian di sekitar BIL harganya melonjak tajam. Sehingga warga setempat yang memiliki lahan pertanian dekat BIL gampang sekali diiming-imingi oleh pihak tertentu untuk menjual tanahnya dengan harga yang sangat tinggi. Alhasil sekarang bangunan-bangunan baru bermunculan disana. Dan sekarang Kita dapat melihat sepanjang jalan dari Mataram menuju BIL dimana disana bangunan-bangunan tumbuh subur. Walaupun mungkin yang mendirikan berbagai jenis bangunan bukan orang asli Lombok.

Pembangunan yang menelan lahan pertanian, hal ini akan mengancam ketahanan pangan dimasa yang akan datang

Belum lagi jumlah penduduk yang semakin banyak sehingga membutuhkan tempat untuk bermukim. Pertumbuhan penduduk akan terus menambah jumlah populasi di pulau tersebut. Dengan banyaknya populasi akan semakin menambah kepadatan penduduk di Lombok. Atau tatkala banyak orang luar yang ingin tinggal menikmati keindahan pulau Lombok dengan mendirikan bangunan juga akan turut menambah beban tingkat kepadatan permukiman di pulau ini. Ada juga para perantau yang telah kembali dan menetap di Pulau Lombok maka mereka akan membutuhkan tempat untuk tinggal dan setidaknya membutuhkan tempat untuk mendirikan bangunan. Perlu dicatat bahwa  jumlah TKI NTB di luar negeri berjumlah 58.000 (Antara), belum lagi para perantau yang melanglang di dalam negeri  yang jumlahnya sangat besar, maka suatu saat mereka juga akan kembali dan mendirikan berbagai macam bangunan di Pulau Lombok . Kebutuhan akan tempat untuk pembangunan  setiap tahun terus meningkat oleh karena itu diperlukan antisipasi dari sekarang agar semakin bertambahnya penduduk tidak mempengaruhi sektor-sektor yang lain termasuk sektor pertanian.

Pangan merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang menjadi sumber energy untuk beraktifitas. Dengan ketersediaan  bahan pangan berarti masyarakat akan terus berkarya menghasilkan sesuatu yang berguna. Tapi sudahkah kebutuhan pangan di Lombok dipenuhi  dari hasil tanah di Lombok?. Mungkin kita semua akan menjawab belum, banyak sumber makanan yang didatangkan dari luar daerah . lihat saja saat kita berkunjung ke pasar tradisional atau pasar swalayan kita akan banyak menemui  barang dagangan yang terjejer di rak atau keranjang yang merupakan made in  luar daerah atau bahkan dari luar negeri.

Pulau Lombok pada khususnya dan NTB pada umumnya  merupakan daerah yang rentan untuk terjadinya kekurangan bahan pangan, menginggat NTB secara geografis sebagai daerah kepulauan. Masih teringat dibenak penulis pada akhir  bulan Januari 2012 saat angin bertiup kencang pada saat itulah pelabuhan ditutup. Akibatnya adalah truk-truk pengangkut kebutuhan pokok dari luar pulau sulit untuk masuk mencapai Pulau Lombok. Dan ini menyebabkan  kebutuhan pokok menjadi langka. Tidak jarang ibu rumah tangga yang mengeluhkan mengenai kelangkaan barang tadi. Ujung-ujungnya jika terjadi kelangkaan yaitu harga barang menjadi tinggi. Untunglah angin kencang tidak bertiup lama sehingga dalam waktu beberapa hari pelabuhan sudah bisa dibuka kembali dan kebutuhan pokok bisa mudah didapatkan kembali.

Ketahanan pangan di NTB selain nanti hasilnya untuk dinikmati sendiri  juga akan digunakan untuk memperluas jaringan pasar pertanian NTB keluar daerah. Program MP3EI yang mengamanatkan salah satunya NTB untuk bisa meningkatkan hasil pertanian akan sulit dilalui jika lahan pertanian yang ada di daerah ini berubah fungsi menjadi lahan non pertanian. Dengan mengembangkan usaha pertanian yang lebih intensif akan mengurangi ketergantungan Pulau Lombok akan bahan pangan dari luar daerah. Lihat saja Amerika Serikat sebagai sebuah Negara yang maju industrinya tetapi tidak mengesampingkan aspek pertanian. Amerika Serikat tercatat sebagai Negara yang mampu meng export komoditas pertanian ke berbagai Negara yang salah satunya adalah Indonesia. Negara yang maju tidak akan meninggalkan sektor pertanian karena sektor pertanian merupakan penunjang untuk kebutuhan industrinya. Sebaliknya banyak Negara berkembang yang kekurangan bahan pangan karena pengembangan sektor pertanian hanya setengah-setengah, karena lebih senang untuk mengejar sektor industry dan dan sektor yang lain ketimbang mengejar sektor pertanian.

Sektor pertanian juga tidak bisa dipisahkan dari basis ekonomi masyarakat yang sebagian besar adalah sebagai petani. Sangat sulit menyebutkan Indonesia itu Negara apa. Jika dibilang Negara pertanian tetapi masih banyak impor produk pertanian, atau jika dibilang sebagai Negara industry tetapi banyak masyarakatnya bekerja sebagai petani. Untuk itu pemerintah perlu memperjelas mau dikemanakan Negara ini. Tetapi faktanya adalah di Indonesia masyarakatnya bekerja sebagai petani untuk itu perlindungan terhadap para petani harus terus dilakukan, salah satunya adalah dengan melindungi lahan pertanian dari alih fungsi lahan.

Perlu dibuatkan green map penataan wilayah yang dengan tegas mengatur mengenai keberadaan tanah-tanah yang subur agar nanti terhindar dari berbagai macam gangguan pengubahan fungsi lahan. Pengaturan tersebut juga tak langsung akan melindungi petani dari kehilangan lahan garapan. Koordinasi yang terintegrasi dari pemerintah pusat hingga pemerintah daerah atau sektor-sektor lain yang berkepentingan untuk mensejahterakan para petani sangat diperlukan.

Maka untuk itu perlu peran dari pihak terkait agar sektor pertanian merupakan harapan tertinggi dalam mendapatkan penghasilan, sehingga apapun iming-iming untuk mengkonfersi lahan akan pupus ditengah jalan. Setidaknya pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan sektor pertanian harus memberikan berbagai upaya agar sektor pertanian mampu menggairahkan kepada setiap pemilik lahan agar tidak ada keinginan untuk mengkonversi menjadi bangunan dan sebagainya. Salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan insentif misalnya pemberian subsidi pupuk dan peralatan pertanian, perbaikan infrastruktur irigasi, pengembangan diversifikasi pertanian, bimbingan teknis pertanian, pengembangan budaya di perdesaaan agar kondusif bagi usaha pertanian, penyusunan tata ruang yang jelas dan penegakan hukum.

Sudah saatnya kini keberadaan sawah-sawah atau lahan pertanian yang subur dipertahankan untuk menjamin agar nantinya tidak ada lagi bangunan-bangunan berdiri di lahan yang produktif untuk pengembangan pertanian.  Dengan begitu maka akan menjamin para petani untuk terus mengerjakan lahan pertanian dan lahan pertanian tersebut terus menghasilkan hasil yang maksimal . Seandainya lahan tersebut telah dikonfersi menjadi gedung-gedung atau bangunan-bangunan lainnya  maka para petani akan memiliki lahan yang kian hari kian terbatas. Pengangguran dari petani akan mengancam ketahanan sosial masyarakat. Masyarakat khususnya petani akan semakin miskin tidak berdaya. Sebaliknya jika posisi tawar petani besar maka derajat dan nasib petani akan semakin baik.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Remaja Rentan Dalam Jejaring Sosial

Jejaring sosial (Facebook, Twitter, dll..) terlah menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan bagi masyarakat modern. Hampir setiap hari jumlah pengguna jejaring sosial terus bertambah. Jika dibedakan usia pengguna Facebook maka akan didapatkan pengguna usia remaja dan usia dewasa. Pengguna remaja dan pengguna dewa memiliki perbedaan karakter.

Pengguna usia dewasa dalam memposting tulisan dalam jejaring sosial cenderung lebih sopan dan terkontrol dengan baik. Berdasarkan sebuah penelitian bahwa orang dewasa lebih menyenangkan menghabiskan waktu menggunakan Facebook dibanding dengan remaja. Orang dewasa lebih lebih berhati-hati dan menjaga agar tidak konflik pada saat menggunakan jejaring sosial. Orang dewasa lebih mampu untuk menjaga hubungan persahabatan lewat  media jejaring sosial. Sehingga jarang ditemukan orang dewasa yang mengalami konflik dengan sesamanya karena media jejaring sosial.

Sementara itu sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh lembaga Pew Research Center  kepada para remaja di USA menjelaskan bahwa Facebook telah menjadi candu yang membahayakan bagi anak muda/ remaja.
 Dari data yang diterbitkan memperlihatkan bahwa
  • 88 persen  pengguna jejaring sosial menjadi lebih kejam
  • 15 persen  telah menjadi target kejahatan 
  • 78 persen konten jejaring sosial mengandung hal yang positif, sedangkan 41 persen jejaring sosial mengandung hal yang negatif
  • 25 persen responden yang merupakan remaja melakukan konfrontasi dengan seseorang akibat jejaring sosial
  • 22 persen  telah mengahiri pertemanan karena jejaring sosial
  • 8 persen telah mengalami tindakan fisik yang tidak menyenangkan akibat sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan di jejaring sosial
  • 13 persen telah mengalami masalah dengan orang tua mereka
  • 13 persen  gelisah ketika akan berangkat kesekolah pada hari yang akan datang
  • 6 persen  mengalami masalah saat disekolah karena sesuatu dari jejaring sosial
  • 19 persen merasa terganggu baik lewat telpon, pada saat online atau dari tulisan-tulisan
Hal ini bisa dimengerti bahwa masa remaja adalah masa yang labil. Masa ini masih membutuhkan dukungan dan arahan dari orang-orang terdekat khususnya orang tua. Dengan melihat hasil penelitian tersebut berarti bahwa orang tua harus lebih aktif mendekati anak-anak mereka yang sedang remaja untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih harmonis lagi. Karena menurut banyak penelitian banyak anak yang mencurahkan permasalahannya lewat media jejaring sosial daripada kepada orang tua karena alasan kesibukan pekerjaan orang tua yang sering berada diluar rumah.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Dua Jaman Orde Baru VS Orde Reformasi Dari Cerita Orang-Orang Disekitar

Tulisan ini saya tulis karena Saya sering mendengar dari orang-orang tua disekitar Saya yang mengatakan akan keindahan cerita dimasa lalu dimana dimasa lalu keadaan masyarakat begitu tenang dan toleran dengan keadaan.

Saya sering mendengarkan cerita kalau pada jaman orde baru keamanan di masyarakat sangat baik berbeda dengan pemerintahan sekarang dimana dimana-mana sering terjadi konflik horisontal dan konflik vertikal. Hal tersebut sering diungkapkan oleh para orang yang usianya telah lewat   jaman orde lama, orde baru dan sekarang orde reformasi.

Pada jaman orde lama dan orde baru kondisi keamanan masyarakat mampu dikendalikan. Setiap ada kegiatan yang mencurigakan maka akan ada intel ditingkat desa (babinsa) yang segera melaporkan ke pihak keamanan diatasnya yakni petugas yang ada di kecamatan. Dengan sistem keamanan tang tersusun rapi terutama dalam hal pelaporan maka informasi sekecil apapun akan mendapatkan reaksi dari pihak yang berwenang. Pada jaman orde baru banyak terjadi penangkapan kepada orang-orang tertentu berdasarkan laporan, walaupun laporan tidak jelas pun akan diapresiasi untuk melegalkan sebuah tindakan fisik baik kekerasan maupun penangkapan. Banyak orang pada  jaman orde baru yang ditangkap kemudian dihajar atau bahkan banyak ditemukan mayat di pasar, tepi jalan atau tempat keramaian lainnya. Pembunuhan merupakan hal yang biasa untuk melegalkan sebuah aksi pengamanan. Tujuan dari pembuangan mayat-mayat dari orang-orang yang diduga pengacau keamanan yaitu tidak lain hanya ingin memberikan tanda kepada masyarakat luas bahwa inilah akibat dari seseorang yang tidak patuh terhadap suatu hukum negara. Orang dahulu begitu takut untuk melihat mayat atau menjadi mayat, mereka masih berpikir akibat jika nanti dirinya  terjadi apa-apa.
Soeharto, diambil dari Facebook

Operasi intelijen pada jaman dahulu terkenal dengan istilah petrus (penembak misterius). Biasanya korban dari petrus adalah preman-preman, yang penguasa pada jaman tersebut menyebutnya dengan istilah sampah masyarakat. Penculikan merupakan hal yang menjadi lumrah dilakukan dan kemudian pagi harinya korban penculikan tersebut ditemukan dalam keadaan menjadi mayat yang tergeletak ditempat-tempat umum yang mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat.

Diakui bahwa keamanan pada saat itu terjaga dalam kondisi baik. Jarang sekali ada pergerakan-pergerakan dalam masyarakat yang mengancam keamanan. Masyarakat biasa melakukan aktivitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari tanpa ada rasa takut akibat adanya ancaman keamanan. Masyarakat menjadi tenang seolah seperti sebuah negeri dongeng yang tenang dan tenteram. Tetapi menurut para penganut aliran HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia) keadaan semacam itu banyak menimbulkan keadaan yang justru mengarah kepada indikasi pelanggaran HAM. Misalnya penangkapan yang dilakukan oleh pihak penguasa kepada masyarakat tanpa bukti-bukti yang kuat dan tanpa proses hukum terlebih dahulu namun tiba-tiba orang yang ditangkap dan mati.

Sedangkan pada era sekarang yang terkenal dengan era reformasi memiliki nilai yang berbeda. Kebebasan menjadi slogan andalan bagi pengelola bangsa ini. Masyarakat diberikan kebebasan oleh penguasa untuk bertindak sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keinginannya. Ide dan perbuatan dipergunakan oleh masyarakat untuk ikut berpartisipasi mengisi buku harian negara ini dengan tinta yang akan menjadikan huruf demi huruf, kata demi kata dan kalimat demi kalimat apakah itu sesuai dengan judul halaman muka buku atau malah justru tulisan tersebut keluar konteks dari judul buku tersebut. Ada masyarakat yang mampu untuk mengapresiasikan dirinya sendiri, mengolah bakat dan kemampuannya untuk dirinya dan untuk orang lain. Ada juga masyarakat yang tidak pandai mengelola kebebasan yang telah diberikan oleh penguasa. Akibatnya masyarakat era reformasi merupakan masyarakat yang terdiri dari tiga kubu yakni kanan, kiri dan netral.

Pengklasifikasian tersebut sudah lumrah terutama dalam sebuah negara yang tidak bisa satu paham. Lihat Negara Korea Utara dimana kita sulit untuk bisa melihat pertentangan yang terjadi di kalangan internal pengelola negara tersebut. Apa yang diputuskan oleh pemimpin negara Korut tersebut jarang ada yang menentang, semua berjalan pada satu jalan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintahan setempat. Sehingga presiden disana merupakan tokoh kunci dalam sebuah pengambil keputusan. Bayangkan jika keputusan yang harus ditetapkan menyangkut banyak hal. Untuk memutuskan sesuatu mungkin akan memerlukan waktu yang banyak, padahal Korut memiliki jutaan penduduk. Akan sangat menyita waktu jika segala sesuatu hanya diputuskan oleh satu orang saja. Tetapi keuntungannya adalah negara dalam keadaan yang stabil jauh dari rong-rongan politik. Nampak oleh mata dari luar seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa, namun orang yang tidak suka dengan pemerintah juga semakin banyak karena banyak kepentingan orang lain yang dipaksakan. Ibaratnya seperti api yang membakar tumpukan alang-alang, maka dari luar akan nampak kehitaman, tenang, tetapi justru sebenarnya adalah didalam sekam tersebut terjadi bara api yang luar biasa yang bisa bertahan berhari-hari.

Keadaan untuk saat ini di Indonesia hampir setiap hari terjadi konflik yang dengan tegas dimunculkan oleh media ke permuakaan. Mulai dari ujung provinsi paling barat sampai dengan provinsi paling timur Indonesia dinamika masyarakat Indonesia menghiasi media pemberitaan nusantara.

Ini juga menurut orang tua, sekarang jamannya serba bebas. Anak muda tidak hormat lagi kepada orang tua, anak buah tidak loyal lagi kepada pimpinan, murid selalu membangkang kepada gurunya, istri/suami yang menghianati pasangannya, petani yang mengolok-olok pemerintahan, buruh yang berani memberontak kepada pengusaha, perampok yang tega menembak mati korbannya, serta kelompok teroris yang berani memperlihatkan bom mainannya kepada aparat pemerintah dan keamanan, dan masih banyak lagi kejadian-kejadian yang lainnya.

Bagi sebagian golongan orang tua, hal ini disebut dengan "jaman edan", yaitu suatu jaman dimana segalanya serba terbalik dari tata nilai jaman dahulu misalnya budaya narkoba dan budaya seks bebas serta kegiatan pornografi dan pornoaksi. Kejahatan menyebar dimana-mana dan dilakukan secara terang-terangan pada waktu siang bolong. Moral hazard terjadi dimana-mana, baik oleh aparat pemerintah maupun dari kalangan rakyat biasa. Penegakan hukum hanya tergantung pada kekuatan kekuasaan, semakin berkuasa maka akan semakin kebal terhadap hadangan hukum, tetapi untuk rakyat jelata hukum bergitu menjerat.

Masyarakat sekarang masih belajar mengenai makna dari kata kebebasan. Karena pada jaman sekarang ini banyak orang yang salah mengartikan kebebasan. Kebebasan dianggap suatu hal yang tidak memiliki tanggung jawab. Kebebasan diartikan sebagai suatu hal yang digunakan untuk memperkuat posisi pribadi maupun golongan. Masih banyak orang yang tidak memiliki jiwa keberagaman. Banyak orang yang belum sadar kalau pada saat ini mereka hidup dalam suatu lingkungan dengan tingkat keberagaman yang tinggi. Sehingga berpikirnya masih komunal tidak universal, mementingkan diri dan golongan, berdampak jangka pendek untuk memperkuat posisi tidak bisa memahami keadaan, kaku dan cenderung mendupak orang lain.
Merenung memilih nasib

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Fungsi Sebuah Rumah

Rumah merupakan tempat dimana orang bisa merebahkan sejenak untuk beristirahat berkumpul bersama keluarga atau tempat bertemunya berbagai sanak saudara handai taulan sahabat dan semuanya. Orang belum dikatakan mapan secara sosial ekonomi jika belum memiliki rumah, walaupun punya mobil, motor banyak, usaha ada. Tetapi rumah adalah salah satu simbol pengakuan masyarakat kepada seseorang. Apapun bentuk rumah itu, apapun ukurannya tetap saja rumah merupakan sarana baik untuk melakukan aktifitas budaya.

Kita mengenal berbagai macam rumah. Jika dilihat dari bentuknya Ada rumah tradisional/klasik maupun rumah modern. Rumah tradisional yaitu rumah yang didasarkan pada kebiasaan adat yang berlaku disuatu daerah. Sedangkan rumah modern cenderung mengutamakan fungsi.

Sebenarnya orang jaman dahulu dalam membuat rumah tidak hanya asal jadi rumah. Tetapi ada makna simbol-simbol falsafah yang ikut mempengaruhi dalam suatu bentuk rumah. Misalnya saja rumah joglo di Jawa. Dimana rumah joglo memiliki pakem-pakem tersendiri seperti atapnya berbentuk gunungan, ada tiang yang disebut dengan saka guru dan masih banyak lainnya. Ternyata hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rumah joglo Jawa merupakan salah satu rumah yang designnya anti gempa. Walaupun kadang orang tidak tahu mengenai makna apa yang terdapat dalam rumah joglo, tetapi masyarakat tetap enjoy aja dan terus membangun rumah tanpa memikirkan suatu fungsi tertentu yang padahal jika diteliti ternyata bangunan tersebut memiliki suatu fungsi yang unik.

Dalam membangun rumah suatu masyarakat mempunyai cara tersendiri. Hal ini biasanya ditentukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dilingkungannya. Rumah orang Jawa akan berbeda dengan orang Minang, atau rumah orang Kalimantan berbeda dengan orang Papua dan lain sebagainya.

Misalnya saja rumah orang Sumbawa seperti terlihat dibawah ini. Dari modelnya rumah ini berbentuk panggung dan dibagian bawahnya diberi ruangan kosong. Rumah berbentuk panggung ini kita lazim menemui pada daerah yang masih banyak hewan buas, seperti ular, buaya dan sebagai. Yang berfungsi untuk melindungi dari hewan buas tadi. Sedangkan bagian bawah yang kosong kadang digunakan oleh warga untuk memelihara hewan ternak.

Rumahnya orang Sumbawa Besar. Photo Dok: Yumantoko

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Konsekuensi dan Kekecewaan dari Rasionalisasi

Menurut Webber  konsekuensi dan kekecewaan dari rationalisasi ada dua yakni (Gane, 2002)

1.    Dunia dalam perhitungan yang stabil. Dunia dikarakteristikkan dengan penyimpangan nilai-nilai oleh orang-orang penguasa
Mungkin ini diakibatkan oleh pendidikan sudah menyebar di seluruh dunia. Sudah banyak  orang  yang telah bergelar Doktor, Master atau bahkan sarjana yang jumlah tidak karuan banyak. Baiknya pendidikan akan juga diikuti oleh pemikiran masyarakat yang akan semakin maju. Karena orang dengan pendidikan yang baik sudah terbiasa dengan metode riset. Metode-metode semacam ini telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan di dalam masyarakat modern saat ini. Setiap ada kejadian atau fenomena maka akan segera disikapi dengan pikiran dingin tidak langsung bisa disimpulkan sendiri, dibutuhkan suatu proses agar semuanya menjadi jelas. Sudah saatnya kini manusia menjadi dewasa dengan pendidikannya. Manusia seakan sudah mampu untuk memperkirakan mengenai apa yang akan terjadi. Walaupun kadang apa yang diperkirakannya belum tentu benar. tetapi meraka sudah memiliki perhitungan-perhitungan yang matang yang bisa diperkirakan dengan ilmu pengerahuan.
Pemimpin selalu membuat inovasi dalam hal bertindak untuk memerintah rakyatnya. Jaman tradisional mungkin tidak akan ditemui atau sulit sekali untuk mengetahui penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan. Mungkin karena jaman tradisional adalah jaman dimana masyarakat belum kritis. Dengan kata lain mereka menggantungkan hidupnya dari sikap para pemimpinnya. Jika pemimpin memerintahkan untuk melakukan sesuatu maka bisa jadi perintah tersebut akan dilakukan dengan sangat baik. Tetapi jaman sekarang ini dimana segalanya sudah trasparan, sangat sulit untuk seorang pemimpin mempermainkan keputusan yang telah dibuatnya kepada masyarakat. Pemimpin jaman sekarang adalah pemimpin yang bersifat hati-hati dengan apa yang dilakukaknnya. Kesalahan sedikit saja gampang untuk diketahui oleh masyarakat dan masyarakat akan segera untuk membetulkannya. Masyarakat akan bersikap diantaranya dengan melakukan aksi atau menyuarakannya melalui media tertentu. Jika dengan cara bersikap dengan aksi, masyarakat bisa menuangkannya dengan cara berorasi berdemonstrasi, jika dengan media tertentu masyarakat bisa menggunakan saluran informasi yang sudah ada seperti tulisan di  buku, surat kabar, blog, dan lain sebagainya
2.    Munculnya ketidakteraturan pada nilai-nilai dalam persaingan
Majunya suatu peradaban ditnadai dengan tingkat kritis warganya yang bertambah. Sesuatu yang kecil akan mudah menjadi perhatian. Mereka telah belajar untuk lebih bisa memperhatikan dirinya sendiri. Nilai individualitas menjadi lebih tinggi, penghargaan terhadap orang lain menjadi nomor yang kesekian. Segala informasi telah terbuka dan mudah didapatkan. Tidak ada yang mampu untuk membendung informasi yang berkembang semakin pesat. Walaupun informasi yang didapatkan belum tentu kebenarannya. Tetapi banyak orang yang menyakini bahwa apa yang telah didapatkanitu  benar. memang sangat sulit untuk membedakan mana informasi yang asli dan informasi yang asal-asalan.
Orang asal ingin mengambil untung dari orang lain, walaupun cara yang dilakukanya melanggar dari aturan-aturan norma yang telah ada. Norma hanya sebagai pajangan saja tidak diangagap sebagai seseuatu yang sacral. Segalanya berubah dengan cepat lawan bisa jadi kawan atau kawan bisa jadi lawan. Pemandangan seperti ini lah yang seringkita lihat sehari-hari disekitar kita. Apalagi jika kita menyaksikan televise, banyak sekali kepentingan-kepentingan yang seolah direproduksi untuk menghasilkan kekuasaan untuk orang-orang tertentu. Aturan bukan lagi sebagai sebuah aturan tetapi lebih sebagai sesuatu yang enak di lafalkan namun tidak untuk dipraktekan

sumber gambar : artrecord.com

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Revolusi Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi Di Sebuah Desa di Kebumen Jawa Tengah

Ketika masa sekolah dasar atau tepatnya 14 tahun yang lalu  saya selalu teringat dengan gambaran film dari luar negeri yang pada waktu itu orang-orang luar sudah sangat familier menggunakan komputer. Pada waktu itu saya sangat gumun  ketika melihat orang menggerakan jari-jemari mereka diatas tuts computer. Entah apa yang mereka lakukan dengan menggerakan jari dengan suara yang beriringan yang seolah seperti suara hujan yang mengenai atap seng. Dan ditambahlagi  biasanya dilakukan oleh orang-orang  yang menggunakan aksesoris kacamata berambut jabrix dengan gaya tidak karuan telah mencitrakan kepada Saya dan mungkin kepada orang luas bahwa  sosok orang yang memegang computer di film pada  waktu itu merupakan orang  jenius.

Masih juga membekas dalam ingatan Saya mengenai ‘pager”. Ada sebuah iklan dalam televisi dimana artis dalam iklan berperan sebagai kipper dalam permainan sepakbola yang tengah bersiap menjaga gawangnya dari tendangan pinalti. Pada saat sebelum tendangan pinalti dilakukan tiba-tiba saja pager sang penjaga gawang berbunyi dan  bertuliskan “ kiri” yang mengindikasikan bahwa sang penjaga gawang harus bergerak kearah kiri, dan pada saat penendang pinalti melakukan eksekusi bola terbanglah sang kiper  kearah kiri dan betul apa isi pesan dari pager tersebut yaitu  bolanya lari kearah kiri gawang dan akhirnya  penjaga gawang mampu untuk menangkap bola  tendangan pinalti, dan gawang selamat dari kebobolan gara-gara pager.

Pada waktu melihat iklan tersebut Saya berpikiran  pager ibaratnya sebuah alat yang mampu berbuat sebagai paranormal yang bisa membaca pikiran orang. Sampai suatu ketika saya bermimpi suatu saat nanti saya akan membeli pager yang akan saya gunakan untuk mengerjakan soal-soal ujian sekolah yang sulit untuk Saya pecahkan sendiri

Masih juga membekas dalam ingatan saya mengenai handphone atau HP. Dulu didalam pikiran Saya ada sebuah pertanyaan mendasar mengenai cara kerja HP yaitu kenapa HP bisa digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dalam tempat yang berbeda.  Pada waktu itu saya tidak berpikiran jika membeli HP tidak akan pula membeli kartunya atau pulsanya.

Dan jawaban sementara untuk pertanyaan tadi yaitu Saya mengasosiasikan atau menyamakan HP dengan handy talkie atau HT. Saya tahu HT dari perhatian saya kepada polisi yang bertugas di Alun-alun di Kecamatan pada saat ada acara karnaval 17 Agustus. Pada waktu itu saya melihat petugas polisi yang sedang mengamankan jalannya acara sambil menenteng HT dan sesekali si Polisi berbicara sambil menjulurkan mulutnya kearah HT.

Karena ada sebagian pendidikan warga kampung Saya yang  baik terutama ada beberapa warga yang mendalami dunia elektronik sampai-sampai ada yang bisa membuat alat radio komunikasi, istilah local kampong Saya adalah “brekbrekan”. Radio dibuat dengan memasang komponen elektronika  yang dibeli dari toko yang ada di kecamatan. Komponen yang telah dipasang kemudian dimasukan kedalam kotak kayu yang bentuknya mirip dengan  kardus sepatu. Finishing modelnya terlihat asal-asalan, asal bisa bersuara dan asal bisa mengirimkan suara. Jaringannya bisa mencapai satu kabupaten bahkan ada sinyal dari luar kabupaten yang tertangkap radio brekbrekan buatan anak  kampung Saya. Sungguh sangat mengasyikan ketika pertama kali bisa melakukan hubungan dengan orang diluar sono hanya dengan menggunakan seperangkat alat radio tanpa memikirkan banyak pulsa yang terpakai.

Bertambah detik, bertambah menit,  bertambah jam, bertambah hari, bertambah bulan dan bertambah tahun semua berjalan menurut waktu yang terus berubah. Waktu juga ikut mempengaruhi cara berkomunikasi yang ada dikampung Saya. Sekarang sangat jarang ditemui orang yang mau setia dengan radio komunikasinya. Handphone sudah menyebar sangat pesat. Hampir setiap orang sudah pegang handphone mulai dari kakek nenek sampai anak SD , bahkan ada sebagian besar  orang yang pegang dua handphone. Selain harganya yang murah, handphone mudah didapatkan karena orang-orang kampong Saya sudah terjangkit virus yang bernama “jaim" ( jaga imej). Entah itu pulsanya ada  atau tidak, tetapi yang terpenting pada saat dijalan pegang HP  dilihat banyak orang . Hal itu merupakan sesuatu kepuasan yang tiada tara. Unsur prestise ikut berperan dalam memotivasi orang dalam kepemilikan HP, apalagi anak-anak muda usia baru gede.

Fungsi utama sebuah telepon seluler yaitu untuk SMS atau menelpon tetapi akhir-akhir ini dengan berkembangnya dunia internet di Indonesia telepon seluler berperan sebagai media yang mampu menhadirkan jaringan internet dengan cepat. Perkembangan tersebut juga berimbas  kepada warga  kampung Saya yang juga semakin familier dengan internet. Internet oleh anak muda kampung Saya sebagian besar hanya digunakan untuk mengakses Facebook.

Sebenarnya banyak warga kampung saya yang tidak tahu bagaiman cara memiliki akun facebook. banyak dari mereka yang meminta bantuan kepada orang lain (termasuk saya) untuk dibuatkan akun facebook. untuk awal-awal menggunakan facebook mereka rasanya masih banyak bertanya-tanya kepada orang yang lebih tahu. banyak sekali kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan warga desa saya terhadap akun facebook nya. Akibatnya facebook mereka tidak bisa dibuka. untuk urusan ini umumnya mereka sangat bingung untuk mengatasinya. Dan banyak dari mereka yang akhirnya membuat akun baru lagi, namun ada juga yang meminta bantuan orang lain untuk membetulkannya. mungkin ini juga salah satu mengapa di indonesia jumlah pengguna facebook begitu banyak, yang diantaranya adalah karena banyak orang yang memilik lebih dari satu akun facebook.

Jejaring sosial seperti Facebook memang sangat berguna untuk menjalin silaturahmi dengan orang-orang yang sudah lama tidak ditemui. Banyak dari warga kampung Saya yang pergi  merantau baik untuk mencari ilmu atau bekerja. Desa Saya termasuk desa yang banyak mengirimkan tenaga kerja ke luar daerah seperti ke Jakarta atau bahkan menjadi TKI keluar negeri. Dengan menggunakan facebook mereka bisa mengikatkan kembali tali silaturahmi yang sudah lama putus. Namun tahukah bahwa selain silaturahmi, facebook oleh warga desa Saya digunakan untuk aksi "narsis". Narsis jika diartikan secara sederhana yaitu kecintaan kepada dirinya sendiri. Orang yang narsis cenderung akan menunjukan sesuatu kepada orang lain mengenai kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimilikinya . Sifat seseorang yang sedang narsis didalam facebook antara lain bisa dilihat dengan memposting gambar dirinya yang sedang berada ditempat-tempat tertentu, atau memposting gambar dirinya yang paling enak dilihat. Jika ada poto yang bisa mengganggu imejnya maka foto tersebut akan segera dihapus. Atau membuat postingan yang ingin mendapat respon karena orang lain tidak bisa melakukan seperti apa yang dilakukannya. Dengan tujuan akhir yaitu orang yang membaca postingan kerkagum-kagum dengan apa yang kita tuliskan di facebook.

Teknologi tentu ada sisi negatif dan sisi positifnya tergantung dari penggunanya mau mengarahkan kemana. Majunya dunia teknologi komunikasi dan informasi semestinya  bisa kita gunakan untuk memperkuat sumberdaya kita. Pemerataan jaringan ke seluruh pelosok nusantara akan sangat membantu warga masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih luas. Diperlukan proses pendidikan agar masyarakat yang hidup di daerah bisa mengenal teknologi komunikasi dan informasi. Tentunya jika masyarakat yang ada didaerah cakap dalam menggunakan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi berarti kesenjangan akses informasi antara kota dan daerah bisa dihindari.

Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Kutowinangun, Kebumen

Senin, 04 April 2011

Budaya Massa dan Citra Kecantikan

menuju cantik
Makna cantik
Orang akan lebih menarik jika memiliki tubuh yang cantik dan ideal untuk dilihat. Sehingga banyak dari masyarakat terutama para anak muda ingin sekali agar penampilannya terkesan enak dilihat dan menarik. Mereka melakukan itu karena sesuatu hal misalnya ingin mendapatkan pujian dari orang lain atau sekedar karena agar mereka bisa diterima oleh komunitas tertentu misalnya untuk para artis agar bisa diterima dikalangan sutradara, produser film atau bahkan diterima dikalangan fotografer. Tidak disadari bahwa ternyata keinginan para wanita untuk tampil lebih, telah menjadi suatu budaya massa yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat. Karena begitu pesatnya perkembangan industrialisasi yang banyak menciptakan produk-produk kecatikan telah menyebabkan produk-produk kecantikan merupakan sesuatu yang laris manis didalam masyarakat. Para wanita sangat gampang sekali untuk mendapatkan berbagai macam produk kecantikan. Namun yang menjadi masalah disini bukan dengan banyaknya produk kecatikan yang dibuat oleh produsen tetapi berkaitan dengan perilaku konsumen yang menjadikan suatu kecantikan menjadi semacam gaya hidup tersendiri.
Sebelum masa industri berlangsung orang-orang jaman dahulu menggunakan berbagai macam tanaman tradisional untuk membuat kulit mereka menjadi putih halus dan kencang, tetapi sekarang ini orang telah beralih ke berbagai macam bentuk kosmetik yang tergolong modern yang dibuat-dipabrik-pabrik. Tetapi ada perbedaan yang mendasar antara pemaknaan orang jaman dahulu dengan jaman sekarang dalam melihat suatu kecantikan. Kecantikan pada orang-orang jaman dahulu hanya dimiliki oleh para bangsawan saudagar atau orang yang memiliki status kedudukan yang tinggi. Tetapi pada jaman sekarang cantik bisa dimiliki oleh siapa saja. Kebanyakan orang mengatakan cantik jika keadaan tubuh yang memancarkan aura kewanitaan, kulit muka yang kencang,tidak ada flek atau jerawat, payudara yang besar pinggul yang membentuk pola dan perut yang langsing. Sehingga orang akan berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan bentuk ideal tubuh yang demikian.
Namun tidak semua orang setuju akan arti cantik yang seperti diartikan diatas. Untuk golongan tertentu memahami seseorang dilihat apakah itu cantik atau tidak itu dilihat bukan hanya dilihat dari betuk fisik saja tetapi juga cantik itu penilaiannya dari hati dan pikiran seseorang (inner beuty) sehingga dari tingkah lakunya bisa diketahui bahwa kalau orang cantik perilakunya bisa dikontraol tidak melanggar norma yang ada dalam masyarakat. Untuk penilaian yang demikian biasanya berasal dari golongan spiritual atau orang yang lebih banyak memikirkan dunia akhirat. Namun untuk golongan ini jumlahnya sedikit.
Namun ada pula orang yang mengatakan cantik yaitu keterpaduan antara bentuk fisik dipadukan dengan pikiran maupun hati yang baik. Sehingga untuk criteria yang terahir ini merupakan yang umum terutama untuk para kalangan kaum adam.
Untuk criteria yang terahir tersebut yaitu keterpaduaan antara kecantikan tubuh dengan kecantikan pikiran dan hati adalah suatu kecantikan yang ideal dan banyak diharapkan oleh para kaum Adam, tetapi banyak perempuan yang terjebak dengan suatu kriteria kecantikan yang hanya dilihat dari kecantikan tubuh saja. Sehingga perempuan-perempuan banyak yang berdesak-desakan di toko kosmetik, salon, maupun arena spa hanya karena ingin agar bentuk fisiknya kelihatan berubah. Perilaku sebagian besar perempuan yang demikianlah yang menyebabkan mengapa berbagai produk kecantikan begitu laris. Dan hal ini akan menyebabkan  budaya kecantikan menjadi budaya berubah menjadi suatu budaya popular.
Dalam hal ini kecantikan lebih banyak dinilai secara subjektif oleh para kaum hawa dimana tanda atau symbol mengenai cantik tersebut diproduksi1. Dengan kata lain cantik itu yaitu jika menggunakan jenis kosmetik tertentu, parfum atau pakaian jenis merek tertentu. Sehingga jika ada wanita yang telah menggunakan produk-produk kecantikan tertentu sulit untuk beralih ke produk yang lain, dan hal ini sudah menjadi habitus dari orang-orang tersebut.2
Mendapatkan cantik
Orang akan selalu meniru dari perbuatan orang lain, sehingga budaya kecantikan yang berkembang sekarang ini merupakan suatu bentuk refleksi dari suatu system yang memegang peranan penting dalam mempengaruhi masyarakat yang luas. Masyarakat hanya bertindak sebagai pengikut dari system yang lebih besar tersebut, sehingga dari system tersebut terdapat suatu orgnisasi yang memiliki komunitas yang setia dengan hal yang dikeluarkan oleh orgnisasi tersebut. System tersebut dikendalikan oleh orang-orang tertentu yang memiliki kualifikasi yang lebih jika dibandingkan dengan orang lain.Sistemnya misalnya system kapitalis Organisasi tersebut yaitu salon -kecantikan, spa, pabrik kosmetik, dan lain sebagainya.  Orang-orang tersebut misalnya yaitu para piñata rias yang terkenal, para perancang busana, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain. Sedangkan lingkaran yang menjadi pengikut adalah masyarakat social.
Apalagi dengan maraknya media yang berkembang pesat telah ikut menyebarkan informasi mengenai pengertian cantik itu apa dan bagaimana mendapatkan kecantikan tersebut. Banyak iklan yang mengajak agar masyarakat mau menggunakan produk yang diiklankan tersebut. Sehingga perempuan yang terkena korban akan tertipu oleh rayuan iklan tersebut. Masyarakat menjadi percaya diri jika menggunakan produk-produk yang digunakan pada iklan. Padahal sebenarnya itu adalah suatu hiper realitas­­­­­­­3 dimana konsumen dalam hal ini yaitu masyarakat telah mengunakan produk yang hanya memberikan janji-janji saja. Tidak semua produk-produk kecantikan yang diiklankan oleh media televisi itu benar tetapi masyarakat sudah mempercayai begitu saja. Sehingga hal ini akan menimbulkan kekecewaan bagi para konsumen jika apa yang diharapkan seperti dalam iklan tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada. Contoh banyak sekali misalnya produk penghilang jerawat tetapi kadang kala kalau tidak cocok dengan keadaan kulit penggunanya justru bisa menyebabkan hal yang buruk seperti kulit malah kasar atau kulit yang semakin berwarna gelap. Atau sebuah iklan di televisi misalnya iklan Citra yang merupakan salah satu dari produk kecantikan. Dimana dalam iklan tersebut menggambarkan bahwa wanita yang cantik yaitu para perempuan yang memiliki kulit kuning langsat, sehingga iklan telah membentuk citra produk yang di tawarkan kepada konsumen. Produk-produk tersebut secara tidak sengaja telah ikut untuk menghancurkan suatu tatanan masyarakat yang menghargai nilai-nilai cantik dari segi moral tetapi tipu daya produk kecantikan tersebut telah ikut mengubah mayarakat yang menghargai suatu perbuatan baik yang lebih spiritual digantikan dengan makna kecantikan yang hanya berupa topeng fisik yang berkamuflase menjadi sesuatu yang lebih berharga ketimbang moral belaka.
Tak hanya dalam iklan saja masyarakat mendapatkan referensi tentang cantik diantaranya yaitu lewat agen dunia hiburan seperti dari para artis yang main dalam sineron mapun film. Bukan berari semua orang yang ada dalam film maupun sinetron memiliki wajah cantik, tetapi ada berbagai kriteria masyarakat menilainya seperti pemain sinetron atau pemain film yang memiliki tinggai badan yang ideal dengan berat tubuh, berwajah menarik karena kulit yang putih atau dengan bentuk tubuh atau rambut yang menarik.
Lalu kemudian siapakah yang diuntungkan dari budaya massa tersebut apakah konsumen yang penampilannya menjadi lebih menarik atau malah justru dari para produsen yang banyak memiliki keuntungan. Sebenarnya menurut Saya yang lebih diuntungkan dari berkembangnya budaya massa akan kecantikan yaitu para produsen yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk kecantikan dan perawatan tubuh. Pemilik modal dalam hal ini produsen yaitu telah memperoleh keuntungan yang begitu luar biasa. Kita bisa menyaksikan salah satu perusahaan kosmetik misalnya Sariayu Martatilaar yang semula usaha yang dirintis oleh ibu Martatilaar yang dimulai dari usaha rumahan namun sekarang telah berkembang menjadi suatu usaha yang berskala besar. Perkembangan perusahaan tersebut tidak terlepas dari budaya yang terutama dimiliki oleh para perempuan telah menyuburkan munculnya dominasi oleh perusahaan perusahaan tersebut kepada perempuan yang menjadi konsumennya. Keberhasilan perusahaan tersebut telah ikut memunculkan berbagai jenis usaha yang serupa. Umumnya perusahaan kosmetik yang baru tersebut ingin menjadi seperti perusahaan yang telah ada sebelumnya. Sehingga produk yang dihasilkan pun bermacam-macam. Namun dengan banyaknya produk yang berkembang telah menyebabkan pengawasan pemerintah terhadap produk-produk kecantikan menjadi berkurang. Dan penyimpangan pun semakin marak terjadi dimana-mana. Misalnya produk-produk kecantikan yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya yang telah banyak beredar dan sudah terlanjur banyak dipakai oleh para konsumen. Sehingga dalam hal ini konsumen banyak dirugikan karena pemakaian benda kimia berbahaya dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan pada manusia.
Budaya popular memang tidak perlu berpikir untuk menjalankannya. Termasuk akan citra kecantikan, orang yang ingin mendapatkan cantik adalah orang yang rentan dengan bahaya. Betapa tidak banyak sekali kejahatan yang bermotif penipuan mengenai khasiat suatu produk kosmetik tertentu tetapi kenyataannya setelah di cek dilabolatorium ternyata mengandung suatu bahan kimia yang berbahaya. 
1 .       Pendapat tersebut diungkapkan oleh Boudrilard, dimana dalam bahasa yang lebih pendek yaitu simulacrum
2.     Habitus adalah suatu istilah yang dipopulerkan olehBourdieau, dimana pengertiannya yaitu suatu yang bersifat melekat dan               terbawa dalam praktek kehidupan
3.      Hiper Realita diperkenalkan oleh Boudrilard dimana realitas yang sekarang ada padahal sebenarnya tidak benar-benar ada.
Daftar Pustaka
Striti, Dominic, An Introduction to Theories Of Popular Culture, 1995, Routledge

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Dimensi Spiritual Menbuat Pagar Sebelum Acara Pernikahan di Desa Tanjungsari Kutowinangun Kebumen

pagar untuk acara pernikahan
Kepercayaan didaerah sekitar rumahku memang unik. Entah ini cuma hanya ada di desaku atau memang desa-desa yang lain juga sama seperti desaku. Pada saat saya jalan-jalan nampak beberapa orang yang sedang bekerja mengurus bambu. Ada yang menebang bambu, membelah bambu, membersihkan bambu (hasil belahan) sampai pada memasang bambu dengan cara menganyam sampai jadi pagar.
Itu semua merupakan salah satu kegiatan dikampung saya jika  seseorang memiliki hajat nikahan, terutama kalau nikahan tersebut diadakan baru pertama kali dalam suatu keluarga. Kalau ada keluarga dikampung Saya akan mengadakan hajatan pernikahan tertutama jika baru pertama kali suatu keluarga menyelenggarakan pesta pernikahan, maka ada tahap-tahap yang harus dilalui diantaranya seperti membuat pagar, pukul alu, dsb (dan saya bingung).
Mungkin hal demikian tidak akan  kita temui dalam masyarakat perkotaan. Budaya masyarakat perkotaan memang berbeda dengan masyarakat pedesaan. Masyarakat pedesaan masih memiliki tradisi  turun-temurun. Walaupun tidak ada keterangan tertulis dalam aturan desa Saya jika kalau mau memiliki hajatan pernikahan untuk membuat pagar, namun keyakinan masyarakatlah yang menghendaki harus membuat pagar.
Jika sudah menyangkut kepercayaan masyarakat kalau tidak dilaksanakan pasti mereka akan ada berbagai macam perasaan kekurangan atas suatu acara termasuk didalamnya adalah acara pernikahan kurang memiliki kekuatan spiritual. Atau mungkin seseorang akan berekpetasi akan ada suatu bencana yang datang.
Sekarang memang sudah jaman modern berbagai alat komunikasi sudah masuk desa termasuk handphone, internet dan tv kabel. Agama pun sudah ada didesa Saya yang termasuk 100 persen penganut agama Islam. Secara rasional harus sudah terbebas dari perasaan perasaan spiritual yang tidak ada dalam masyarakt modern.
Atau mungkin ini ada suatu penjelasan rasional yang bisa menerangkan mengapa orang di kampung Saya jika akan memiliki hajatan harus membuat pagar terlebih dahulu. Tetapi itu tidak pernah Saya dapatkan.
Kebudayaan termasuk didalamnya adalah tradisi. Tradisi dapat diterjemahkan dengan pewarisan norma-norma, adat-istiadat, kaidah-kaidah, harta-harta. Tradisi bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak dapat diubah, tradisi dapat diperpadukan dengan aneka ragam perbuatan manusia dan diangkat keseluruhannya. Manusia yang membuat sesuatu dengan tradisi itu, menerima, menolak atau mengubahnya. (C.A. Peursen, Strategi Kebudayaan, (Yogyakarta, Kanisius-BPK Gunung Mulia, 1984)
Kecenderungan warga didesa saya untuk membuat pagar merupakan warisan dari nenek moyang, karena masyarakat didaerah Saya menganggap bahwa jika tidak membuat pagar pada saat acara pernikahan pertama di suatu keluarga maka diyakini nanti akan terjadi bencana seperti pengantin yang kejang-kejang, atau pengantin yang tiba-tiba jatuh sakit. Hal ini pun saya pernah menanyakan kepada salah seorang yang membuat pagar.
membuat pagar, di desa tanjungsari kecamatan kutowinangun

Saya                               : Kenapa harus membuat pagar
Bapak pembuat pagar : Ya ini merupakan suatu syarat agar acara pernikahan berlangsung lancar.                             Dulu pernah saudara Saya pada saat membuat hajat pernikan tidak membuat pagar dan Si mantennya kejang-kejang saat ijab kabul.
Saya                               : Berarti ini wajib
Bapak pembuat pagar : Ini wajib untuk yang pertama kali jika disuatu keluarga mengadakan acara pernikahan. Jika sudah sekali membuat pagar maka selanjutnya boleh buat atau tidak buat juga tidak apa-apa.

Masyarakat kampung saya khususnya dan masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya adalah sebuah masyarakat simbolik. Ernst Cassirer mengatakan manusia adalah hewan yang bersimbol (animal symbolicum). Pemikiran simbolis dan tingkah laku simbolis merupakan siri khas manusiawi dan menjadi dasar seluruh kemajuan kebudayaan. Kebudayaan adalah penuh simbol, tempat dimana manusia dapat membaca dan menemukan ekspresi kehidupan dinamisnya. Simbilis adalah suatu roh penangkapan dan perwujudan rohani tertentu. Ekspresi simbolik artinya ekspresi sesuatu roha dengn tanda dan gambar inderwi dan harus ditangkap dalam arti seluas mungkin. (Dibyasuharda, dimensi Metafisik Dalam Simbol, Ontologi Mengenai akar simbol, (Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1990), h.68-69
Manusia selalu menyeimbangkan dengan lingkungan alamnya. Bentuk pembuatan pagar menurut Saya merupakan penyesuaian masyarakat kampung saya dengan lingkungan dimana ia tinggal. Jika tidak ada keseimbangan akan ada suatu hal yang dianggap aneh. Misalnya jika ada kejadian yang tidak diinginkan orang lalu menganggap hal tersebut akibat dari suatu sebab, karena ada salah satu proses yang terputus. Keseimbangan ini terus dijaga terutama oleh orang-orang yang masih meyakini adanya keseimbangan dengan alam sekitarnya. Sehingga jiwa mereka menjadi lebih tenang.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Sejarah Gempa Besar Dunia Modern yang Mematikan

Sejarah Gempa yang mematikan

  1. 27 July 1976, Tangshan, China: +-  655,000 killed, dengan kekuatan 7.5 akala richter
  2. 26 Dec 2004, Sumatra, Indonesia: kekuatan 9.1 skla richter (gempa dan tsunami, 227,898 orang diwilayah Indonesia dan sekitarnya meninggal)
  3. 12 Jan 2010, Haiti: 222,570 meninggal, kekuatan 7.0 skala richter
  4. 12 May 2008, Sichuan, China: 87,587 meninggal, 7.9 skala richter
  5. 8 Oct 2005, Pakistan: 80,361 meninggal, 7.6 skala richter
  6. 31 May 1970 Chimbote, Peru: 70,000 meninggal , 7.9 skala richter
  7. 20 June 1990, Manjil, Iran: 40,000 meninggal, 7.4 skala richter
  8. 26 Dec 2003, Bam, Iran: 31,000 meninggal, 6.6 skala richter
  9. 26 Jan 2001, Gujarat, India: 20,023 meninggal, 7.7 skala richter
  10. 17 Aug 1999, Izmit, Turkey: 17,118 meninggal, 7.6 skala richter
  11. 30 Sep 1993 Latur, India: 9,748meninggal , 6.2 skala richter
  12. 16 Jan 1995, Kobe, Japan: 5,530 meninggal, 6.9 skala richter
  13. Source: USGS

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Internet Mengacaukan Kehidupan Sosial

<br /> internet mengacaukan kehidupan sosial<br />

Teknologi sekali lagi telah mengacaukan kehidupan social yang telah tertata lama. Nilai-nilai baru dari sebuah teknologi khususnya internet bukanlah sesuatu yang netral. Ia telah masuk dalam kehidupan social dan kini kita harus berhati-hati jika tidak ingin hancur karenanya. Orang tidak lagi focus dengan pekerjaanya yang telah lama mejadi bagiannya. Orang akan berpikir mengenai Facebook atau situs yang laiannya tatkala mereka sudah didepan internet. Hal ini akan berbahaya karena pada saat seseorang hanya menghabiskan waktu untuk Facebookan maka ada suatu pekerjan yang dulu sudah ada bisa ditinggalkan.
Membedakan mana yang kebutuhan dan mana yang bukan merupakan suatu hal yang sulit dilakukan oleh orang yang hidup pada jaman modern. Pada jaman ini orang lebih menghargai bagian luarnya dari pada mengagumi kegunaan maupun bentuk isinya. Internet bukanlah suatu hal yang gratis untuk digunakan. Ia berbeda dengan udara yang berada di alam bebas dimana setiap orang bisa mendapatkan secara bebas dengan menggunakan kemampuan alami menggunakan alat pernafasan. Terkadang orang dengan internet hanya menghabiskan banyak waktu hanya untuk hal yang tidak berguna sama sekali. Berkomentar atas urusan orang lain di internet atau hanya untuk menghina atau bahkan melecehkan seseorang dalam dunia maya.

Internet Tidak Netral Nilai

Internet bukanlah suatu teknologi yang netral. Ia menjelma menjadi candu social yang mengakibatkan masyarakat menjadi sebuah robot yang dikendalikan oleh sesuatu yang lebih besar. Sesuatu tersebut yaitu korporasi-korporasi besar yang berada dibalik situs internet yang telah ada selama ini. masyarakat hanya sebagai konsumen dari berbagai macam produk internet.
Tanpa disadari ternyata internet juga telah memunculkan sebuah dominasi baru. Dominasi yang dulu oleh gramci digambarkan dengan Negara yang memiliki kekuasaan penuh. Tetapi dominasi sekarang ini adalah sebuah dominasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang beroperasi melalui internet. Ada beberapa macam situs yang menjadi penguasa alam jagad dunia maya, situs tersebut antara lain seperti yang berada di table berikut ini.
Seperti kita ketahui ada beberapa macam situs yang menjadi trand bagi ibu rumah tangga. Situs tersebut antara lain yaitu Facebook.com. orang akan lupa waktu jika sudah membuka situs tersebut. situs tersebut menawarkan sebuah alternative pertemanan lewat dunia maya. Didalam situs terebut juga terdapat berbagai macam fitur yang sangat menarik untuk ibu rumah tangga. Ekspresi hati bisa diungkapkan didalam situs tersebut. orang tidak hanya bisa menulis ungkapan hati saja tetapi juga bisa ikut mengomentari dari ungkapan hati orang lain yang diekspresikan lewat dinding Facebook.
Menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mengetahui update status orang lain dalam Facebok, menjadikan seseorang lupa akan pekerjaannya apakah itu sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga atau seseorang yang tengah bekerja pada suatu kantor atau perusahaan yang menjadikan efektifitas waktunya bisa dipertanyakan. Ada sebuah kasus dimana ada seorang anak yang meninggal karena terjatuh dari sebuah gedung. Dimana pada saat kejadian ibu dari anak tersebut tengah asyik bermain internet. Kejadian tersebut telah menjadi bukti bahwa lemahnya pengawasan dari orang tua telah mengakibatkan hilangnya sebuah nyawa. Mungkin hal tersebut akan bisa dihindari tatkala seseorang bisa mengatur kapan waktu terbaik untuk melakukan sesuatu apakah itu bermain internet untuk kesenangan atau kapan untuk bekerja.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Factors that Affect the Conversion of Kerosene to Gas in Indonesia

Conversion program is currently digalakan by the government knowingly or not has caused a lot of pros and cons in the community. This is considered normal in society because it means there is freedom of speech that each person freely express well but should be based with responsibility. Many of the people who want their lives running smoothly. But the spirit which is owned by the government on the pros and cons will be an excellent ahirnya which was won by the government. But the government has much to learn from experience, how to deal with actions that deny the government's program. Among the issues with the existing switch and make other, more discourse in public wearing. An example is in full swing at the moment, there are issues about the height of an increase in fuel prices the government turned to the issue of dissolution of the FPI or other issues. Conversion program is being conducted by the government has caused turmoil in many communities. Society is still confused with what is conversion. That it took a lot of information especially about the lack or excess of the conversion program kerosene stove to heat the gas. Menyalahkah not ... but it's weaknesses and strengths in a program are sometimes manipulated so that the people like no other options. Moreover, the education level of the people of Indonesia that is still influential in the lower part of the success of government programs. Constraints typically encountered in the delivery of messages is aimed at lower-class society. Automatic delivery of the message was not easy. Effort needs to be the message, clearly understood by the public. The work done must not be confused with all the circles, which required a lot of ways or a variety of delivery of the people to be understood by the public that is the subject of the conversion program. I demonstrated the delivery of media such as done by diversivikasi various media that might be done. Good socialization is not necessarily even be able to open the eyes of a small masyarakta the target of the conversion program is to follow what is suggested by the government. Outside there are many other factors contribute to the community's willingness to accept the kerosene conversion program to the gas. The role of the individual itself is a key factor that could be used as a benchmark in the success of this program. Because everything's decision whether society will use the gas stove is the conversion of each individual in society. Acceptance of this conversion gas burner that is based on a knowledge of the individual, based on the experience gained by each individual, and it is one of the important things. Their interaction in the community can provide a broad insight. But sometimes people experience a less memorable experience. Although gas has many advantages but less means nothing if someone heard bad about the gas stove. Although a little ugliness, but more memorable than the good. For example, if there is a gas explosion, which aired on television, the desire to receive gas as an energy source will be reduced. So for Pertamina to give rewards to the press that if there is an explosion of stove diekpos not Pertamina overdrawn ..... yes ... hehehhehe dong .... Technology from the gas stove is a more advanced technology than the kerosene stove. Kecanggihannaya but are not necessarily easily understood by masyarakta. And this is very membahaykakan if viewed from the risk it creates, because knowledge is limited. For example an error that may be made and the impact of prolonged trauma for the people who own experience or see happen in other places that cause an accident fatalities. In order for this conversion goes well it is a difficult task for the government. Moreover the government is now saving oil consumption. And in doing this conversion program is not to rush to geesa conversion program can work well. Because if it is done in a hurry there will be elements that are not ready, and this is really a potential to be a big problem. Starting from the procurement of an incorrect tube until the tube production was impressed arbitrary, or regulators and hoses are random. Socialization is best done by the oil companies or by government is one that will deliver the key success of this program. Government and party and Pertamina have a lot of funds budgeted for this program. Because the media used are television, magazines, newspapers, billboards, banners, calendars or the media that much more accessible to people who need big money to advertise. But in doing socialization not only use communication media such as those mentioned above. But it is done by mobilizing konprehensip with human workers to go directly home-home. Kind of extension workers that involves many parties to provide direct counseling and even practice. So far the people have more confidence if the practice directly and thus be better informed about the gas stove rather than just through the ads that do not know what he meant. There are many factors that affect the I think the public acceptance of this conversion program. Personal Factors The most dominant factor in determining public attitudes toward the kerosene conversion program is an individual factor. This factor concerns the motivation of the people in this menyikapai conversion program. The information obtained is not directly applied by the community but it is only taken into consideration only. Selanjutya people find their own experiences on the use of gas stoves. They also made contact with citizens of other and increased their knowledge more. With whom they associate will also determine a person's decision to accept this conversion program. For example, a pedicab driver who often ridden by someone who already has a gas stove. Surely it's easier to absorb comprehensive information about the gas stove when the pedicab ride was able to convince builders that use a gas stove is a must and the many benefits that can be gained. Level of education also helped to determine their acceptance of this gas. Indonesian people, mostly low education caused the government had difficulty in the conversion program. Needed intelligence from the government or related parties to convince people to want to use the gas stove. Most of the recipients of this conversion program is that earlier people used to use kerosene stoves to cook untulk. But with the existence of this program would not want people to use the stove gas. There is a first adjustment to terbisa using the gas stove. Society requires at least enough time so that adjustments can proceed smoothly. Not all individuals showed a positive thing for this conversion. They are hard to change old habits are accustomed to using kerosene stove suddenly be told to use gas stoves. There are some people who just returned back burner that have been distributed to the dealer (news sctv, 2008). Most are still traumatized about the security level of this stove is in the media have caused many deaths due to explosion of gas cylinders. Is still limited knowledge about the real conditions of the gas stove also provides a major contribution to this conversion program. Public knowledge society soeolah changed only for the conversion program. The previous uses kerosene stoves for their daily cooking and they were used for small things like they can improve the oil stove in the event of damage. Unusual behavior that would occur if the kerosene conversion program has been going on. They will be confused to use it to fix it even if there is damage will be difficult to do because the gas stove is a new thing. The use made of the gas stove was not safe for the safety of its users. Especially with the knowledge that people still lack of safety in the use of gas cylinders. And apparently this is already recognized by most people who become targets of this program led to the conversion and acceptance from the community had decreased. Many of the people who have received a gas stove conversion, but many were saved only. Their concerns about the dangers of the main reasons why not to use a gas stove. When this happens will inhibit the conversion program. And it obscures the public confidence in government. There are also other things to the attention of the recipient. Communities that previously used to use kerosene stoves purchased at a price thousands of dollars for every purchase, but these habits be changed simply by the authorized institutions. This involves the problem of allocation of funds used to purchase three kilograms tube Rp13.000 prices, from the previous society could buy just about Rp3.000, then society must allocate substantial funds to buy gas cylinders. To purchase price of the tube which would make the poor have many difficulties. Income patterns of poor people if they get the money directly to buy for dinner. With the conversion program will be threatened by the poor to meet their food needs. Small communities generally are not fond of saving. Not they do not want to but the money can be referred directly to buy other needs. Unless the majority of the income of the Indonesian community that fine-fine aja broo. The use of gas stoves are identical to those in the established economic status. They are able to use it for the money dimiki able to support the smoothness. For example if there is damage to the regulator it will be soon able to buy a new regulator to be replaced quickly. But if that happens the opposite of medium-class society, in the event of damage to parts, medium-class society will have difficulty in improving the gas stove to be used again as usual, because it does not have a reserve fund for the procurement of a defective regulator. Maybe if pertamina provide a lifetime warranty for a damaged regulator may be a different story, people will clearly be helpful. Expensive component of the gas stove is a distinct threat of pengunanya. Especially now that the parts were still scarce. Consideration additional costs such as damage to the unexpected damage to the regulator hose until ready to threaten at any moment. This is what triggered the cost of gas stove use was higher than the kerosene stove. With the price of spare parts will be relatively expensive very difficult for the public finances. Moreover, the price of the necessities of life which is getting more expensive without offset by increased income will be very difficult to guarantee the basic needs people to stay satisfied. Conversion program endorsed by the government to save the state budget from the burden of subsidies for fuel oil increased in price increases. The transfer from the original use of kerosene stove burner that was replaced using a gas because the gas reserves in Indonesia is still sufficient time longer than reserves for petroleum. But of course this is also the logic of saving a little difficult to understand among the laity. Because of the poor, who they know to buy a half liter of kerosene (subsidized) can actually save expenses. Meanwhile, the mayor cited Depok Nurmahmudi Ismail-impossible to buy half of LPG gas cylinders are reduced in size despite a 3 kg. In summary, very poor price-sensitive because their earnings are often erratic. (Zuhadiat August 28, 2007) Factor technology products Products created by the government in this conversion program is in the form of tubes, burner, hose and regulator. Since the beginning of the acquisition has occurred various problems. Among others who do not schedule time until the tendering issue is wrong tube. All that has become the familiar ingredients if there is in Indonesia. Even for not able to make their own must be imported from other countries. Existing technology in different gas stove kerosene stove. More modern gas stove. So difficult for laymen to understand. Technology of the kerosene stove that is not too complicated, easier to understand than the gas stove. Kerosene stove wicks only use made of cloth shaped like a rope and put into a hole that connects with the fuel. So if you want to stay lit for the cooking fire from a match. Gas stove is much more complicated. Because the material used is a product safety standard prescribed. For example hose used to deliver fuel from the canister to the stove have to be really safe there should be no leaks at all. If there is kebbocoran result of methane (CH4) will come out and remove the unpleasant smell and could have been a big explosion. At the end of the tube is used to install the valve, so the gas does not come out so that the health to stay awake because they do not inhale the gas which had leaked. According to David Dickson (1979) that technology because they are not neutral by the social context of economic, political and reprosuksinya production process. So always play the role of technology in politics, society. Society really does not have many options from the use of this gas, people just seem to accept it, because it is not given an alternative to other technologies. Penguasalah which plays an important role in the conversion program. Pertamina and the Government benefited from the conversion program. Projects that reach trillions of rupiah has been the wetlands of interested parties in obtaining more money. Tendering process could also reflect from this program are used by certain people for profit. Such political suatau in bringing the goods. Companies are the companies that are Perusaan a cooperative by the government. So that the profits into the pockets of only certain people only. As quoted from hariansib.com Tube size 3-kg gas imported by Global Pacific Energy (GPE) from China suspected to be ordered by the conversion program pemenan gtender tube. "There's probably one of the winners of the tender by way of purchase of goods sent directly to the factory (winner of the tender) and then sent to Pertamina by it as its own production, "said Chairman of the Steel Tube Industry Association (Asitab) Tjiptadi when dihubungidetikFinance, Friday (2 / 11). If the suspicion is correct, according to Tjiptadi, difficult to track who the winner of the tender to import these tubes. However, Tjiptadi suggested one way of tracking is to see the initials written on tabungg handle it. "The guard hangs written the year of manufacture, weight, which is bisaanya his Pertamina logo. Written therein initials of the company winning the tender, "he said. To ensure that Tjiptadi will direct physical check of gas cylinders imported Sabtu.Berdasarkan China's Customs data from LPG cylinders measuring 3 kg in imports from China had been purchased with a low enough price of U.S. $ 4.93 or USD 44.800 with the exchange rate as of 9100 AS.Harga dollar is much cheaper than the price that must be ordered Pertamina to Global Pacific industrilokalRp91ribu.PT importing 2 containers Eenergy gas cylinder 3 kg with a total value of goods (CIF) U.S. $ 36,205.92 or USD 329.4 million. From the picture above to indicate that the conversion program undertaken by the government covered a lot of problems. This must be addressed immediately in order not menimbulakan bigger problems later on. No longer say that the technology of gas plays a strategic role of the ruler. The role of regulation is determined by the government in handling the provision of stoves and equipment. Many of the companies involved in this project is questionable on a sincere intention to help the community. After all, whatever the motivation dibalaik The company companies in doing the program should really consider the interests of society at large. For example workmanship impressed tube perfunctory because the quantity and the pursuit of profit, with no attention to the quality and make the program a project only for the money. So what happens is the small people who do not know what a victim of the system is wrong above., Such goods are not perfectly distributed. Thus although the products produced bad for society but it may lower middle was considered good. And this downward Menegah class will feel comfortable because if they're taken care of by the government. According to Marx this is called false consciousness. After the program is running question of whether the gas stove can be used for all people. What about ordinary people who do not memesak by using only one axis. And if the merchants could use the gas stove to continue business as traders meatballs, pancakes, cakes bowsprit or other traders. For families who have a large number of members will be difficult to adapt from this conversion. Distributed gas burner uses only one axis only in rural areas while most people who have a large number of family members before any program to use your cooking conversions in more than one axis. This is because the number of family members and to prepare dishes in quick time. While stove conversion programs are currently made using only one axis only. So will the families who have such great members will have difficulty in meeting the needs of cooking. And could be the other members must wait longer to get food. Long Kebisaaan changed so fast. If you can not adjust would be trouble. For the adjustment is also needed additional capital to buy another stove. As for ordinary traders who hung his business with kerosene stove, the presence of new products in the form of a gas stove would deprive the traders who are accustomed to using kerosene stoves. Dberikan stove that had to be modified again to suit their business needs. The traders here have more priority than changing patterns of use kerosene stove that will switch to gas stoves. Stoves that do not have equal distribution among all people. There are certain social groups who should get the suit the needs of each household is different. When talking about the technology means talking about the risks taken. The more complex the technology the risks that will arise will also be greater. These possibilities is the boom cylinders of LPG stoves. It's a lot of victims who died or were injured. As if a ghost is scaring people. Because the community will also be concerned about the impact that would arise if they use the stove. Everything else no one can be sure that the stove is distributed completely safe to use. But we can see from the system safety standards that had been in Indonesia. Various events in Indonesia accident occurred because the low level of security. An example is the case Sidoardjo mud. Or small things like a car that fell from the roof of high rise building because the building is not adequate. Technology is also related to the costs required to make these stoves. The price of a tube that reached Rp200.000 may not be a problem, but other components such as hoses and regulators also have the responsibility themselves by pengunanya. Yet the quality of the hose and regulator is not necessarily good. Thus it is possible to damage in the near future. And this would require extra costs for maintenance. To use a gas stove was more easily compared with oil-fueled stove soil. With a gas stove just play button, no need to use to trigger a match flame. While on the kerosene stove we still need a match to light it. So that actually use the gas stove easier. But for a different treatment altogether. If we use a kerosene stove that problems often arise which fuse replacement problem. But it was easy because at the home can be found at nearby stalls. Whereas if you use a complex gas treatment. Need a special technique that can install components. For example how to install the hoses and regulators. While not all the parts around the house menyediakanya merchants. Factor communication Communication factors are the spearhead of this conversion program. Good communication is the correct delivery of information and public receives the full target without resistance. Whether or not the communication was made will affect the community in the receiving program. In need of a medium of communication that can bring the message correctly. And the public can access it easily. Which was carried out by the government to disseminate through the media of television and print media. If we look at the TV screen around the beginning of 2007 until the end of the year 2007 we often diduguhi by advertising on the usage of gas stoves. In the ad footage we can see a family that replace oil stoves with gas stoves. Family background is from a family background medium. From it we can see that the intended target of the economic family menegnah down. And the atmosphere at the show on an ad that is an urban atmosphere packed. One of the featured role of the advantages of using a gas stove from the side of cleanliness. If using a kerosene stove will burn exposed face corang-careng. And if we use a gas stove will get a good face, and loved by her husband added. And there is also another version of the ad that is similarly shows a puff family down the material dealing with security dalan using gas stoves. In ad terebut told that the gas stove would be safe if its use in accordance with the rules of ada.Itulah brief commercials appearing in most of the television. Regarding advertising materials that tell about the families who use the stove, it will be clean, just clean the diihat of course be added but not only from one side but can be added on other benefits such as fuel usage saves and will save the financial state. State continuity sehigga not last long. Told about the ad about the security of the gas stove is a good idea that helped give tips on what to do when faced with problems in usage. For example what to do if there ngosos voice, how to heat a durable in use, and others. Viewed from the effectiveness of those ads are already accepted by most people. Is the ad was pulled. Given the nation of Indonesia is a pluralistic nation that has many differences from each community. Favorite so different, too. Perhaps the ad footage above is suitable only for urban communities only. Because the urban communities have the same kebisaaan what is described in the ad. So that they feel that it is a picture of real life from them. Communities are located outside the urban area has its own culture and if you see ads like the above excerpt will be difficult to understand because the culture was different naupun. And this should be taken by relevant parties such as government and Pertamina. And if it is able to reach all parts of Indonesia. About who the intended also to be a key factor of socialization program. Because not all stations can receive television broadcasts reach all regions in Indonesia. Given the archipelago of Indonesia which require a mature strategy. Socialization is not only done by television alone but must involve other media, such as radio and print media. Socialization to be in the travel Efforts must be in by the government to take the stove and the tube that was distributed not in the back again for fear of exploding or because the quality of its products are not good. Dikukan efforts are needed to socialize with the right target. The way of using media that can be accessed by most of the people of Indonesia for example is television. The material presented is not only for one or two classes alone but for all circles. With many ad variations could be made public is not tired to see it. And probably not wearing one ad on a particular group but with masyarakaat ads presented in a different way might be wearing. Examples of people who loved music dangdut needs to make a lot of display advertising dangdut music. Many people also have characters who became an idol. In the advertising material which needs to involve kalngan become an idol like religious figures, or figures from the political parties. Or made on the basis of regional origin. For example using the language of a particular region, but appeared on local television. There should also use other media such as print media as well as pamlet-pamlet brochures are distributed to the society. With media like this in anticipation for the people who do not have access to television and radio media. But the most important part of socialization is to the community. So how is the direct flip spaciousness by the officers to provide training to the community. People were given a direct example of how the practice of how to install, use and maintenance ways to avoid the danger that posed by the gas stove The scarcity of gas cylinders The scarcity of gas cylinders in the market also affects whether or not fast conversion program. There are various kinds of cases that could be a description of programs that are less well planned. As the following quote taken from the daily afternoon insight. The absence of the highest retail pricing (HET) on sale of LPG fuel type size of three kilograms of making PT Pertamina difficulty monitoring the market price. PT Pertamina currently sells LPG to base the price per kilogram of USD 4250 or USD 12,700 per tube, the size of three kilograms unutk. As for the base be tolerated sell for Rp 13 thousand or a maximum of Rp 13.500 per tube, "said Heppy Wulansari, PR Pertamina Central Java-Yogyakarta Distribution when dibubungi insight this morning. He also admitted, related to the sale of LPG range Rp 14,000, it has yet to take anticipatory steps. "Because there is no HET, which can currently be done only member price highest selling price appeals to the agent. (Insight, 4 June 2008) Government and the government in a hurry in any way to fast conversion program. So that such problems will only bother many parties. As the scarcity of gas cylinders is happening in many places. In addition we also have to import from abroad tubes for domestic production insufficiency. Experience in many countries, the transition to a more modern energy takes up at least tens of years. For example, in the United States needs nearly 70 years (1850-1920) and in Korea it take only 30 years (1950-80) as a result of advances in technology (Barnes, flash, and Floor, 1997). Brazil residents who use LPG as much as 16 percent in 1960 to 78 percent in 1985, and almost entirely in 2004 (UN Millennium Project, 2005 in Zuhadiat). Bibliography http://hariansib.com insight, 4 June 2008


SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY In this article the technology is a social process with the right techniques derived from separate factor. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. Separately they are already become part of the already merged with the technology. Not only the person who discovered or the mechanics but the wider social world. Technology is a mode of production. At the same time the existence of technology has changed social relations, an application to control and dominate the others. Technique by itself has been able to create the best authoritarian freedom, lack of in order to achieve adequacy. National socialist groups provide an example of a rational and economic mechanisms with very efficient in production can result in a totalitarian interests to continue nothingness. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare by eliminating the traditional standards. In socialist countries like Germany, the government does not just intervene in just any technology coming from outside, but choosing which serve to enhance the ability of workers, pempropaganda, young people, employees of government organizations, industry, bureaucracy and party members who all have regulated in the State Constitution to follow the line utuk efficient technologies. Terroristic technocracy can not be called as a symbol of war in terms of economic sense. Economic war is normal rather than a socialist state, because it offers social and economic processes. Requirement is that this war should be using technology as a stimulannya. Technology will flow from a new Yuan rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and these will spread into the community, different from the opposition who are ordained for the borders of technology. The change is not a direct effect of the use of machines or using a large production to the consumer. They rarely chose a determinant factor in the development and production of engines. Therefore, to understand the introduction of technology, it becomes very important to provide rational guidance of traditional surveys, and individual standards have been solved by entering the technology era. Pronsip of individual self-interest is the search with the view that the self has entered the stage of rational. That is the result of autonomous thinking. The principle of efficiency which is a mechanism konpentitif who rely on the rationale that led to a high-tech equipment. Strength of the power of technology to the ability to synthesize menghasilakan capital and goods quality and the owners of these factors with easy to control it, things can easily be distributed starting from small things lead to bigger goals. And the technology itself can increase the ability of professionals with a way to make technologies more recently, producing a product, efficient, something that is easy, this is called a radical coordination. This Kontradisi remain, but profit by keeping tools, through an increase in living standards, at the same time will make things will become possible. When produkdsi control in the hands of the professionals to make a profit. They will earn a profit after taxes, wages, and other production costs. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. This is not a sense of subject and object of the scale of the company, but more because of a lack of protest and nyamannan suasaana. This rationale is built from the standard of justice which makes people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of economic action, has become a part of the efficiency of the economy ministry has inherent from the community. The world has become rational and the rational telabest university admission essayh become a social force in which there are various requirements fulfilled for it. By way of reducing new material from a production process. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya This is where the engine is derived into society. A part of the production assistants are needed, the task is to maintain the production processes of the machine and memanatau from other workers who were working, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. In other words the machine to help the workers. The ideal engine of yaks can work automatically. The operation of the machine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. The workers must have the intellectual capacity or spiritual, behavior is not restricted to the engine; under the form of human social production will gain keadialan of motives and purposes, a fact made from their reality and do it in stages that are philosofis. Facts picture of materialism and hedonism, has responded to the struggle of the modern forms of knowledge, as well as the spiritual pressure of rational enlightenment and revolution. Different behavior from the rational high. The fact that the human touch in what is natural and should be accepted into something important. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Merbest university admission process essayeka like machine that embodies the most rational. Intended to manipulate the machines human beings can learn to control and the ahirnya engine would result. Identical to the instrument settings, there is no space to stand alone. Rational from the individual has been building relationships in order to ahirnya efficiency can give purpose. Ahir-ahir has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variations of these reasons has been covering the condition of the treatment tool. The findings used to support the business, and then digunakn to improve their obligations outside berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress due konpetitor obtained, and became a necessity in order not to lose. So can ditarakan Thus, the monopoly system, the invention is a necessity because it is the source of this system. Each co-directs the human instinct, intended to create a channel for a living. The dominant economic and social organization does not guarantee their dapt from outside influences, they do this for their own identify whether there is fidelity and loyalty among them. Relationships among those individuals is to increase their ability to machine. But it also absorbs mechanical device and prevents their libido, therefore this union is dangerous, where individuals are free beings, from the social environment. Most people with their lives so hard to wake up from this threat by showing their cars. Machine is an inanimate object but considered the same as humans. And it gives feedback to the people what belongs from a social tool. Human behavior with rationality freed from the machine, and rationality gives the content of social life. The operation of the machine to follow the laws of physics. But this is such a large production operations according to the reason the feasibility of using machines to meet the same deadlines. Feasibility of efficiency that is if it can provide benefits and rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Rational individuals would favor a rational job well, they also give up on something rational, too. They lose the ability to abstract from the special form when rationality brings loyalty and eliminate the potential unfulfilled. This fact makes the trust does not mean that the value has gone through observation, they Mersa offended as if such personal and interpretation metapisik. Suspicion was at all relevant standards and can be observed from all the tools that are rational, to the freedom of rational nature. All of these behaviors is to serve up to a better and attractive to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of her. And this exercise requires the support of the schedule time of life. Degree of exercise requires a strategy, by being and can set the time and adapt. Correspondence mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factories and shops, but also in offices, schools, and meetings will be realized in ahirnya relaxation and entertainment for the individual. If only the emphasis on the production machines that have had the attitude of selfishness. Not from external coercion but by the rational that brought them in life. Industry Phsykologi justify the assumption that human change is the improvement of emotional behavior and are not affected by the reaction there. Justified that the external influence of human change. The process of making man operating the machine has a machine like behavior, and become more konpetitif. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by these machines and make people compete with other humans. But people who are inexperienced will lose the freedom to work and have a nature hostile to outsiders. They can be freedom to express their own opinions. This point is a tool to manage indifidu to be able to adapt to the situation rationally, not with such irrational protests that led to riots. System life is created from industrial systems is a worthy, because this system has been freed from the difficulties and also more efficient. The reason is interpreted to have in common with the activities associated with this world. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and be responsible for our own actions after receiving a large demand diatara. An idea that should be on efficiency tuduk describe a rational structure. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Autonomy of a reason that is missing is our interpretation of touch feelings and actions of the human form of the tools that they created themselves. Reason dib SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY In this article the technology is a social process with the right techniques derived from separate factor. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. Utuk they are already become part of the already merged with the technology. Not only the person who discovered or the mechanics but the wider social world. Technology is a mode of production. At the same time the existence of technology has changed social relations, an application for mengaontrol and dominate. Technique by itself has been able to create the best authoritarian freedom, lack of in order to achieve adequacy. National socialist groups provide an example of a rational and economic mechanisms with very efficient in production can result in a totalitarian interests to continue nothingness. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare by eliminating the traditional standards. In socialist countries like Germany, the government does not just intervene in just any technology coming from outside, but choosing which contribute to the ability of workers meningakatkan, pempropaganda, young people, employees of government organizations, industry, bureaucracy and party members who all have regulated in the State Constitution to follow the line utuk efficient technologies. Terroristic technocracy can not didebut as a symbol of war in terms of economic sense. Economic war is normal rather than a socialist state, because it offers social and economic processes. Requirement is that this war should be using technology as a stimulannya. Technology will flow from a new Yuan rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and these will spread into the community, different from the opposition who are ordained for the borders of technology. The change is not a direct effect of the use of machines or using a large production to the consumer. They rarely chose a determinant factor in the development and production of engines. Therefore, to understand the introduction of technology, it becomes very important to provide rational guidance of traditional surveys, and individual standards have been solved by entering the technology era. Pronsip of individual self-interest is the search with the view that the self has entered the stage of rational. That is the result of autonomous thinking. The principle of efficiency which is a mechanism konpentitif who rely on the rationale that led to a high-tech equipment. Strength of the power of technology to the ability to synthesize menghasilakan capital and goods quality and the owners of these factors with easy to control it, things can easily be distributed starting from small things lead to bigger goals. And the technology itself can increase the ability of professionals with a way to make technologies more recently, producing a product, efficient, something that is easy, this is called a radical coordination. This Kontradisi remain, but profit by keeping tools, through an increase in living standards, at the same time will make things will become possible. When produkdsi control in the hands of the professionals to make a profit. They will earn a profit after taxes, wages, and other production costs. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. This is not a sense of subject and object of the scale of the company, but more because of a lack of protest and nyamannan suasaana. This rationale is built from the standard of justice which makes people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of economic action, has become a part of the efficiency of the economy ministry has inherent from the community. The world has become rational and the rational telabest university admission essayh become a social force in which there are various requirements fulfilled for it. By way of reducing new material from a production process. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya This is where the engine is derived into society. A part of the production assistants are needed, the task is to maintain the production processes of the machine and memanatau from other workers who were working, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. In other words the machine to help the workers. The ideal engine of yaks can work automatically. The operation of the machine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. The workers must have the intellectual capacity or spiritual, behavior is not restricted to the engine; under the form of human social production will gain keadialan of motives and purposes, a fact made from their reality and do it in stages that are philosofis. Facts picture of materialism and hedonism, has responded to the struggle of the modern forms of knowledge, as well as the spiritual pressure of rational enlightenment and revolution. Different behavior from the rational high. The fact that the human touch in what is natural and should be accepted into something important. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Merbest university admission process essayeka like machine that embodies the most rational. Intended to manipulate the machines human beings can learn to control and the ahirnya engine would result. Identical to the instrument settings, there is no space to stand alone. Rational from the individual has been building relationships in order to ahirnya efficiency can give purpose. Ahir-ahir has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variations of these reasons has been covering the condition of the treatment tool. The findings used to support the business, and then digunakn to improve their obligations outside berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress due konpetitor obtained, and became a necessity in order not to lose. So can ditarakan Thus, the monopoly system, the invention is a necessity because it is the source of this system. Each co-directs the human instinct, intended to create a channel for a living. The dominant economic and social organization does not guarantee their dapt from outside influences, they do this for their own identify whether there is fidelity and loyalty among them. Relationships among those individuals is to increase their ability to machine. But it also absorbs mechanical device and prevents their libido, therefore this union is dangerous, where individuals are free beings, from the social environment. Most people with their lives so hard to wake up from this threat by showing their cars. Machine is an inanimate object but considered the same as humans. And it gives feedback to the people what belongs from a social tool. Human behavior with rationality freed from the machine, and rationality gives the content of social life. The operation of the machine to follow the laws of physics. But this is such a large production operations according to the reason the feasibility of using machines to meet the same deadlines. Feasibility of efficiency that is if it can provide benefits and rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Rational individuals would favor a rational job well, they also give up on something rational, too. They lose the ability to abstract from the special form when rationality brings loyalty and eliminate the potential unfulfilled. This fact makes the trust does not mean that the value has gone through observation, they Mersa offended as if such personal and interpretation metapisik. Suspicion was at all relevant standards and can be observed from all the tools that are rational, to the freedom of rational nature. All of these behaviors is to serve up to a better and attractive to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of her. And this exercise requires the support of the schedule time of life. Degree of exercise requires a strategy, by being and can set the time and adapt. Correspondence mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factories and shops, but also in offices, schools, and meetings will be realized in ahirnya relaxation and entertainment for the individual. If only the emphasis on the production machines that have had the attitude of selfishness. Not from external coercion but by the rational that brought them in life. Industry Phsykologi justify the assumption that human change is the improvement of emotional behavior and are not affected by the reaction there. Justified that the external influence of human change. The process of making man operating the machine has a machine like behavior, and become more konpetitif. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by these machines and make people compete with other humans. But people who are inexperienced will lose the freedom to work and have a nature hostile to outsiders. They can be freedom to express their own opinions. This point is a tool to manage indifidu to be able to adapt to the situation rationally, not with such irrational protests that led to riots. System life is created from industrial systems is a worthy, because this system has been freed from the difficulties and also more efficient. The reason is interpreted to have in common with the activities associated with this world. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and be responsible for our own actions after receiving a large demand diatara. An idea that should be on efficiency tuduk describe a rational structure. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Autonomy of a reason that is missing is our interpretation of touch feelings and actions of the human form of the tools that they created themselves. The reason this is built and becomes the grave of the control systems that have been standard of consumption and production. This has melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and suitability of the efficiency of this system. angun and this becomes the grave of the control systems that have been standard of consumption and production. This has melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and suitability of the efficiency of this system. REFERENCES: -Herbert Marcuse ,.......... IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE SOCIAL LIFE SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY In this article the technology is a social process with the right techniques derived from separate factor. In this technology is a process of social engineering with the right of the separate factors. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. Utuk they are already become part of the already merged with the technology. Utuk them is already a part that is integrates with the technology. Not only the person who discovered or the mechanics but the wider social world. Not only those who find or mechanical, but the wider world that is more social. Technology is a mode of production. Technology is a mode of production. At the same time the existence of technology has changed social relations, an application for mengaontrol and dominate. In the presence of the same technology has changed social relations, a application for mengaontrol and dominate. Technique by itself has been able to create the best authoritarian freedom, lack of in order to achieve adequacy. Technique itself has been able to create the authoritarian freedom, lack of Adequacy to be reached. National socialist groups provide an example of a rational and economic mechanisms with very efficient in production can result in a totalitarian interests to continue nothingness. The national socialist provide an example of a rational and economic mechanism is very efficient in the can be in the interests of the totalitarian bring forward to lack. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare by eliminating the traditional standards. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare with the standards of a traditional. In socialist countries like Germany, the government does not just intervene in just any technology coming from outside, but choosing which contribute to the ability of workers meningakatkan, pempropaganda, young people, employees of government organizations, industry, bureaucracy and party members who all have regulated in the State Constitution to follow the line utuk efficient technologies. In socialist countries such as Germany, the government does not just casually intervence every technology that enter from outside, but choose which role to meningakatkan ability of the workers, pempropaganda, the young people, workers organizations of government, industry, and members of the party bureaucracy which have all stipulated in the Constitution State is on the line utuk follow the efficient technology. Terroristic technocracy can not didebut as a symbol of war in terms of economic sense. Technocracy terroristic didebut can not as a symbol of war in terms of economic meaning. Economic war is normal rather than a socialist state, because it offers social and economic processes. The war economy is a normal state rather than socialist, because offering the social and economic development. Requirement is that this war should be using technology as a stimulannya. Condition that this war must use technology as stimulannya. Technology will flow from a new Yuan rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and these will spread into the community, different from the opposition who are ordained for the borders of technology. Technology will flow from a new Yuan Rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and this will spread into the community, different from the resistance to the adjacent ordination with technology. The change is not a direct effect of the use of machines or using a large production to the consumer. The changes are not direct effects of the use of machines or using a large production to consumers. They rarely chose a determinant factor in the development and production of engines. They rarely choose a determinant factor in the development and production of the engine. Therefore, to understand the introduction of technology, it becomes very important to provide rational guidance of traditional surveys, and individual standards have been solved by entering the technology era. Therefore, to understand the inclusion of technology, this is a very important survey directions to the traditional rational, and standards have been solved with the individual to enter the era of technology. Pronsip of individual self-interest is the search with the view that the self has entered the stage of rational. Pronsip search the individual's private interests with the view that the private self rational has entered phase. That is the result of autonomous thinking. Which is the result of the autonomous thinking. The principle of efficiency which is a mechanism konpentitif who rely on the rationale that led to a high-tech equipment. The principle of the efficient konpentitif namely a mechanism that rely on the rational that culminate in an equipment that high. Strength of the power of technology to the ability to synthesize menghasilakan capital and goods quality and the owners of these factors with easy to control it, things can easily be distributed starting from small things lead to bigger goals. Power of technology, namely the strength of the ability to synthesize and menghasilakan capital goods and a quality factor of owners with easy to control this, the goods can be easily distributed from the small to the larger goal. And the technology itself can increase the ability of professionals with a way to make technologies more recently, producing a product, efficient, something that is easy, this is called a radical coordination. And technology by itself is able to improve the professional way to create technology-a new technology, the product yield, efficient, something that is easy, all this is called the radical coordination. This Kontradisi remain, but profit by keeping tools, through an increase in living standards, at the same time will make things will become possible. Kontradisi is still there, but with the advantage to keep the tool, through the increase of living standards, on the same make will be things to be possible. When produkdsi control in the hands of the professionals to make a profit. When the control is located in the produkdsi among professionals for a profit. They will earn a profit after taxes, wages, and other production costs. They will profit after tax cut, wage workers, and other production costs. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. This is not a sense of subject and object of the scale of the company, but more because of a lack of protest and nyamannan suasaana. This is not a sense of the subject and object of the company's scale, but more because of a protest and the nyamannan suasaana. This rationale is built from the standard of justice which makes people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. This was built from the rational standards of justice which make people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of economic action, has become a part of the efficiency of the economy ministry has inherent from the community. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of action in the economy, has become a part of the efficiency of the service economy that has been inherent from the community. The world has become rational and the rational telabest university admission essayh become a social force in which there are various requirements fulfilled for it. The world has become a rational and rational of this telabest university admission essayh become a social force which have fulfilled the requirements for it. By way of reducing new material from a production process. With the way down the material from a new production process. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya This is where the engine is derived into society. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya that is derived from this machine into the community. A part of the production assistants are needed, the task is to maintain the production processes of the machine and memanatau from other workers who were working, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. A part of the production requires the assistant, the task is to maintain the way of the production process of machines and workers from other memanatau the middle of work, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. In other words the machine to help the workers. In other words, machines to help the workers. The ideal engine of yaks can work automatically. The machine that is ideal yak can work automatically. The operation of the machine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. Operation of the engine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. The workers must have the intellectual capacity or spiritual, behavior is not restricted to the engine; under the form of human social production will gain keadialan of motives and purposes, a fact made from their reality and do it in stages that are philosofis. The workers must have a spiritual or intellectual ability, behavior is not limited to the process engine, under the form of social production will have keadialan human motives and purposes of, the fact of reality is created and they do so on the stage of philosofis. Facts picture of materialism and hedonism, has responded to the struggle of the modern forms of knowledge, as well as the spiritual pressure of rational enlightenment and revolution. Facts picture Materialism and hedonism, has responded to the form of the struggle of modern knowledge, but also stresses the spiritual revolution and rational enlightenment. Different behavior from the rational high. Behavior that is different from the rational level. The fact that the human touch in what is natural and should be accepted into something important. The fact that human beings left in the case of a natural and must be accepted into something important. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Merbest university admission process essayeka like machine that embodies the most rational. Merbest university admission process, such as essayeka engine which is a Manifestation of the most rational. Intended to manipulate the machines human beings can learn to control and the ahirnya engine would result. Manipulate the machinery so that people can learn to control and the engine will produce results ahirnya. Identical to the instrument settings, there is no space to stand alone. Identical with the setting tool, there is no stand-alone space. Rational from the individual has been building relationships in order to ahirnya efficiency can give purpose. Rational from the individual has to build relationships so that the efficiency can ahirnya purpose. Ahir-ahir has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variations of these reasons has been covering the condition of the treatment tool. Ahir-ahir this has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variation of the reasons was to cover the condition of the equipment. The findings used to support the business, and then digunakn to improve their obligations outside berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress due konpetitor obtained, and became a necessity in order not to lose. The findings are used to support the business, and next digunakn to improve their outside obligations berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress is due to a konpetitor, and be a need to not lose. So can ditarakan Thus, the monopoly system, the invention is a necessity because it is the source of this system. So can ditarakan Therefore, the monopoly system, the findings are a must because it is a source of the system. Each co-directs the human instinct, intended to create a channel for a living. Each work on the same instinct drives man, wanted to create a channel for life. The dominant economic and social organization does not guarantee their dapt from outside influences, they do this for their own identify whether there is fidelity and loyalty among them. The dominant economic and social organizations dapt not guarantee them from the influence-the influence of Outsiders, they do this to identify whether they own a faithfulness and loyalty among them. Relationships among those individuals is to increase their ability to machine. Relations between the individuals is for increasing the capacity of their machines. But it also absorbs mechanical device and prevents their libido, therefore this union is dangerous, where individuals are free beings, from the social environment. Mechanical equipment but also to absorb and prevent Libido them, so this rally where the individual is a dangerous creature of the free, from the social environment. Most people with their lives so hard to wake up from this threat by showing their cars. Most people with hard lives that they awake from the various threats this car shows with them. Machine is an inanimate object but considered the same as humans. Engine is a dead object, but is considered the same as men. And it gives feedback to the people what belongs from a social tool. And give feedback to people what the possession of social tools. Human behavior with rationality freed from the machine, and rationality gives the content of social life. Behavior of Human Rationality with the release of the engine, Rationality, and this gives the content of social life. The operation of the machine to follow the laws of physics. Operation of law following the physics engine. But this is such a large production operations according to the reason the feasibility of using machines to meet the same deadlines. But this operation as the major production, the reason for the feasibility of using machines that can meet the targets at the same time. Feasibility of efficiency that is if it can provide benefits and rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Feasibility of efficiency that is if you can provide benefits and Rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Rational individuals would favor a rational job well, they also give up on something rational, too. The rational individual will work like a rational well, they also give up on something that is also rational. They lose the ability to abstract from the special form when rationality brings loyalty and eliminate the potential unfulfilled. They lose the ability to abstract of a special form of Rationality when brought to the loyalty and the potential that is not met. This fact makes the trust does not mean that the value has gone through observation, they Mersa offended as if such personal and interpretation metapisik. This fact does not create a trust means that the value that has been through observation, they Mersa skin seems like a personal interpretation and metapisik. Suspicion was at all relevant standards and can be observed from all the tools that are rational, to the freedom of rational nature. This Suspicion on all the relevant standards and can be observed of all equipment that is rational, to the freedom that is rational. All of these behaviors is to serve up to a better and attractive to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. All behavior that is to serve up on a better and more interesting to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of her. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of it. And this exercise requires the support of the schedule time of life. This will require training and support from the schedule time of life. Degree of exercise requires a strategy, by being and can set the time and adapt. Degree requires training strategy, with the teeth and can set the time and adaptability. Correspondence mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factories and shops, but also in offices, schools, and meetings will be realized in ahirnya relaxation and entertainment for the individual. Concord mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factory and shop, but also in the office, school, meetings, and on the ahirnya will form of entertainment and relaxation for individuals. If only the emphasis on the production machines that have had the attitude of selfishness. If the only important on the production machinery has meant that some selfish attitudes. Not from external coercion but by the rational that brought them in life. Not from the compulsion from outside but by a rationalistic brought in their life. Industry Phsykologi justify the assumption that human change is the improvement of emotional behavior and are not affected by the reaction there. Phsykologi industry justify the assumption that the changes are improvements to the human emotions and behavior is not affected by the reaction. Justified that the external influence of human change. Justified that the external influences on changes in humans. The process of making man operating the machine has a machine like behavior, and become more konpetitif. The process of operating the machine has human machine the withdrawal behavior, and become more konpetitif. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by these machines and make people compete with other humans. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by this machine and made human beings Compete with other men. But people who are inexperienced will lose the freedom to work and have a nature hostile to outsiders. But the man who will not lose the freedom to work in nature and have a Feud with the people outside. They can be freedom to express their own opinions. They can express opinions with the freedom of their own. This point is a tool to manage indifidu to be able to adapt to the situation rationally, not with such irrational protests that led to riots. Points this tool is to set the indifidu to be able indigenous to circumstances that rational, not with that is not rational, such as protests, which caused unrest. System life is created from industrial systems is a worthy, because this system has been freed from the difficulties and also more efficient. System life of the system created an industry that is feasible, because this system has been exempt from difficulties, and also more efficient. The reason is interpreted to have in common with the activities associated with this world. The reason for this has meant to the similarity with the activities associated with this world. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and be responsible for our own actions after receiving a large demand diatara. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and act responsible for our own gain diatara after claims that large. An idea that should be on efficiency tuduk describe a rational structure. An idea that should be tuduk reflect on the efficiency of a rational structure. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Autonomy of a reason that is missing is our interpretation of touch feelings and actions of the human form of the tools that they created themselves. Autonomy's a reason we lost is the interpretation of the feeling of touch and action of the human form of the tools that they create themselves. Reason Reason dib dib SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL IMPACT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY In this article the technology is a social process with the right techniques derived from separate factor. In this technology is a process of social engineering with the right of the separate factors. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. We will not talk about the effect of technology on indifidu. Utuk they are already become part of the already merged with the technology. Utuk them is already a part that is integrates with the technology. Not only the person who discovered or the mechanics but the wider social world. Not only those who find or mechanical, but the wider world that is more social. Technology is a mode of production. Technology is a mode of production. At the same time the existence of technology has changed social relations, an application for mengaontrol and dominate. In the presence of the same technology has changed social relations, a application for mengaontrol and dominate. Technique by itself has been able to create the best authoritarian freedom, lack of in order to achieve adequacy. Technique itself has been able to create the authoritarian freedom, lack of Adequacy to be reached. National socialist groups provide an example of a rational and economic mechanisms with very efficient in production can result in a totalitarian interests to continue nothingness. The national socialist provide an example of a rational and economic mechanism is very efficient in the can be in the interests of the totalitarian bring forward to lack. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare by eliminating the traditional standards. Third world countries use technology to increase profits and welfare with the standards of a traditional. In socialist countries like Germany, the government does not just intervene in just any technology coming from outside, but choosing which contribute to the ability of workers meningakatkan, pempropaganda, young people, employees of government organizations, industry, bureaucracy and party members who all have regulated in the State Constitution to follow the line utuk efficient technologies. In socialist countries such as Germany, the government does not just casually intervence every technology that enter from outside, but choose which role to meningakatkan ability of the workers, pempropaganda, the young people, workers organizations of government, industry, and members of the party bureaucracy which have all stipulated in the Constitution State is on the line utuk follow the efficient technology. Terroristic technocracy can not didebut as a symbol of war in terms of economic sense. Technocracy terroristic didebut can not as a symbol of war in terms of economic meaning. Economic war is normal rather than a socialist state, because it offers social and economic processes. The war economy is a normal state rather than socialist, because offering the social and economic development. Requirement is that this war should be using technology as a stimulannya. Condition that this war must use technology as stimulannya. Technology will flow from a new Yuan rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and these will spread into the community, different from the opposition who are ordained for the borders of technology. Technology will flow from a new Yuan Rationality and a new standard of living for individuals and this will spread into the community, different from the resistance to the adjacent ordination with technology. The change is not a direct effect of the use of machines or using a large production to the consumer. The changes are not direct effects of the use of machines or using a large production to consumers. They rarely chose a determinant factor in the development and production of engines. They rarely choose a determinant factor in the development and production of the engine. Therefore, to understand the introduction of technology, it becomes very important to provide rational guidance of traditional surveys, and individual standards have been solved by entering the technology era. Therefore, to understand the inclusion of technology, this is a very important survey directions to the traditional rational, and standards have been solved with the individual to enter the era of technology. Pronsip of individual self-interest is the search with the view that the self has entered the stage of rational. Pronsip search the individual's private interests with the view that the private self rational has entered phase. That is the result of autonomous thinking. Which is the result of the autonomous thinking. The principle of efficiency which is a mechanism konpentitif who rely on the rationale that led to a high-tech equipment. The principle of the efficient konpentitif namely a mechanism that rely on the rational that culminate in an equipment that high. Strength of the power of technology to the ability to synthesize menghasilakan capital and goods quality and the owners of these factors with easy to control it, things can easily be distributed starting from small things lead to bigger goals. Power of technology, namely the strength of the ability to synthesize and menghasilakan capital goods and a quality factor of owners with easy to control this, the goods can be easily distributed from the small to the larger goal. And the technology itself can increase the ability of professionals with a way to make technologies more recently, producing a product, efficient, something that is easy, this is called a radical coordination. And technology by itself is able to improve the professional way to create technology-a new technology, the product yield, efficient, something that is easy, all this is called the radical coordination. This Kontradisi remain, but profit by keeping tools, through an increase in living standards, at the same time will make things will become possible. Kontradisi is still there, but with the advantage to keep the tool, through the increase of living standards, on the same make will be things to be possible. When produkdsi control in the hands of the professionals to make a profit. When the control is located in the produkdsi among professionals for a profit. They will earn a profit after taxes, wages, and other production costs. They will profit after tax cut, wage workers, and other production costs. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. The impact of technology equipment that is, rational individualistic into a rational technology. This is not a sense of subject and object of the scale of the company, but more because of a lack of protest and nyamannan suasaana. This is not a sense of the subject and object of the company's scale, but more because of a protest and the nyamannan suasaana. This rationale is built from the standard of justice which makes people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. This was built from the rational standards of justice which make people ready to receive and enter to accept the technology. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of economic action, has become a part of the efficiency of the economy ministry has inherent from the community. The majority of the population to act with the freedom of action in the economy, has become a part of the efficiency of the service economy that has been inherent from the community. The world has become rational and the rational telabest university admission essayh become a social force in which there are various requirements fulfilled for it. The world has become a rational and rational of this telabest university admission essayh become a social force which have fulfilled the requirements for it. By way of reducing new material from a production process. With the way down the material from a new production process. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya This is where the engine is derived into society. Perbest university admission essaytanyaannya that is derived from this machine into the community. A part of the production assistants are needed, the task is to maintain the production processes of the machine and memanatau from other workers who were working, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. A part of the production requires the assistant, the task is to maintain the way of the production process of machines and workers from other memanatau the middle of work, and help from the workers who can not work perfectly. In other words the machine to help the workers. In other words, machines to help the workers. The ideal engine of yaks can work automatically. The machine that is ideal yak can work automatically. The operation of the machine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. Operation of the engine membutuhakan a knowledge that can be understood. The workers must have the intellectual capacity or spiritual, behavior is not restricted to the engine; under the form of human social production will gain keadialan of motives and purposes, a fact made from their reality and do it in stages that are philosofis. The workers must have a spiritual or intellectual ability, behavior is not limited to the process engine, under the form of social production will have keadialan human motives and purposes of, the fact of reality is created and they do so on the stage of philosofis. Facts picture of materialism and hedonism, has responded to the struggle of the modern forms of knowledge, as well as the spiritual pressure of rational enlightenment and revolution. Facts picture Materialism and hedonism, has responded to the form of the struggle of modern knowledge, but also stresses the spiritual revolution and rational enlightenment. Different behavior from the rational high. Behavior that is different from the rational level. The fact that the human touch in what is natural and should be accepted into something important. The fact that human beings left in the case of a natural and must be accepted into something important. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Or social environment which must be changed because they did not respond to the desire of the potential possessed by humans. Merbest university admission process essayeka like machine that embodies the most rational. Merbest university admission process, such as essayeka engine which is a Manifestation of the most rational. Intended to manipulate the machines human beings can learn to control and the ahirnya engine would result. Manipulate the machine is that people can learn to control the engine and the ahirnya will produce results. Identical to the instrument settings, there is no space to stand alone. Identical with the setting tool, there is no stand-alone space. Rational from the individual has been building relationships in order to ahirnya efficiency can give purpose. Rational from the individual has to build relationships so that the efficiency can ahirnya purpose. Ahir-ahir has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variations of these reasons has been covering the condition of the treatment tool. Ahir-ahir this has a lot of people who have absorbed the concept of a liberal, and functional variation of the reasons was to cover the condition of the equipment. The findings used to support the business, and then digunakn to improve their obligations outside berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress due konpetitor obtained, and became a necessity in order not to lose. The findings are used to support the business, and next digunakn to improve their outside obligations berkonpentisi but not by nature, and any progress is due to a konpetitor, and be a need to not lose. So can ditarakan Thus, the monopoly system, the invention is a necessity because it is the source of this system. So can ditarakan Therefore, the monopoly system, the findings are a must because it is a source of the system. Each co-directs the human instinct, intended to create a channel for a living. Each work on the same instinct drives man, wanted to create a channel for life. The dominant economic and social organization does not guarantee their dapt from outside influences, they do this for their own identify whether there is fidelity and loyalty among them. The dominant economic and social organizations dapt not guarantee them from the influence-the influence of Outsiders, they do this to identify whether they own a faithfulness and loyalty among them. Relationships among those individuals is to increase their ability to machine. Relations between the individuals is for increasing the capacity of their machines. But it also absorbs mechanical device and prevents their libido, therefore this union is dangerous, where individuals are free beings, from the social environment. Mechanical equipment but also to absorb and prevent Libido them, so this rally where the individual is a dangerous creature of the free, from the social environment. Most people with their lives so hard to wake up from this threat by showing their cars. Most people with hard lives that they awake from the various threats this car shows with them. Machine is an inanimate object but considered the same as humans. Engine is a dead object, but is considered the same as men. And it gives feedback to the people what belongs from a social tool. And give feedback to people what the possession of social tools. Human behavior with rationality freed from the machine, and rationality gives the content of social life. Behavior of Human Rationality with the release of the engine, Rationality, and this gives the content of social life. The operation of the machine to follow the laws of physics. Operation of law following the physics engine. But this is such a large production operations according to the reason the feasibility of using machines to meet the same deadlines. But this operation as the major production, the reason for the feasibility of using machines that can meet the targets at the same time. Feasibility of efficiency that is if it can provide benefits and rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Feasibility of efficiency that is if you can provide benefits and Rationality at the same time concentrated on the standard monopoly. Rational individuals would favor a rational job well, they also give up on something rational, too. The rational individual will work like a rational well, they also give up on something that is also rational. They lose the ability to abstract from the special form when rationality brings loyalty and eliminate the potential unfulfilled. They lose the ability to abstract of a special form of Rationality when brought to the loyalty and the potential that is not met. This fact makes the trust does not mean that the value has gone through observation, they Mersa offended as if such personal and interpretation metapisik. This fact does not create a trust means that the value that has been through observation, they Mersa skin seems like a personal interpretation and metapisik. Suspicion was at all relevant standards and can be observed from all the tools that are rational, to the freedom of rational nature. This Suspicion on all the relevant standards and can be observed of all equipment that is rational, to the freedom that is rational. All of these behaviors is to serve up to a better and attractive to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. All behavior that is to serve up on a better and more interesting to overcome the dominance of larger than the real thing. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of her. The process of a machine dibuhkan a consistent practice to understand something of it. And this exercise requires the support of the schedule time of life. This will require training and support from the schedule time of life. Degree of exercise requires a strategy, by being and can set the time and adapt. Degree requires training strategy, with the teeth and can set the time and adaptability. Correspondence mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factories and shops, but also in offices, schools, and meetings will be realized in ahirnya relaxation and entertainment for the individual. Concord mechanical spread of technology to social needs not only the need for factory and shop, but also in the office, school, meetings, and on the ahirnya will form of entertainment and relaxation for individuals. If only the emphasis on the production machines that have had the attitude of selfishness. If the only important on the production machinery has meant that some selfish attitudes. Not from external coercion but by the rational that brought them in life. Not from the compulsion from outside but by a rationalistic brought in their life. Industry Phsykologi justify the assumption that human change is the improvement of emotional behavior and are not affected by the reaction there. Phsykologi industry justify the assumption that the changes are improvements to the human emotions and behavior is not affected by the reaction. Justified that the external influence of human change. Justified that the external influences on changes in humans. The process of making man operating the machine has a machine like behavior, and become more konpetitif. The process of operating the machine has human machine the withdrawal behavior, and become more konpetitif. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by these machines and make people compete with other humans. Efficiency is one of the small effect caused by this machine and made human beings Compete with other men. But people who are inexperienced will lose the freedom to work and have a nature hostile to outsiders. But the man who will not lose the freedom to work in nature and have a Feud with the people outside. They can be freedom to express their own opinions. They can express opinions with the freedom of their own. This point is a tool to manage indifidu to be able to adapt to the situation rationally, not with such irrational protests that led to riots. Points this tool is to set the indifidu to be able indigenous to circumstances that rational, not with that is not rational, such as protests, which caused unrest. System life is created from industrial systems is a worthy, because this system has been freed from the difficulties and also more efficient. System life of the system created an industry that is feasible, because this system has been exempt from difficulties, and also more efficient. The reason is interpreted to have in common with the activities associated with this world. The reason for this has meant to the similarity with the activities associated with this world. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and be responsible for our own actions after receiving a large demand diatara. Rational behavior to be identical with a fact which teaches how to behave and act responsible for our own gain diatara after claims that large. An idea that should be on efficiency tuduk describe a rational structure. An idea that should be tuduk reflect on the efficiency of a rational structure. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Rationality is a transformation from a critic into one of justification and obedience. Autonomy of a reason that is missing is our interpretation of touch feelings and actions of the human form of the tools that they created themselves. Autonomy's a reason we lost is the interpretation of the feeling of touch and action of the human form of the tools that they create themselves. The reason this is built and becomes the grave of the control systems that have been standard of consumption and production. The reason for this is built into the grave and from the control system that has been the standard of consumption and production. This has melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and suitability of the efficiency of this system. This was melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and efficiency of the matching system. angun and this becomes the grave of the control systems that have been standard of consumption and production. angun and this is a grave from the control system that has been the standard of consumption and production. This has melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and suitability of the efficiency of this system. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Herbert Marcuse-,.......... This was melewarti outside the law and the mechanism of the feasibility and efficiency of the matching system. REFERENCES: Herbert-Marcuse ,..........

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