Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Borobudur the Wonderful Word, Learn to Continuing the Life

Hal yang akan selalu teringat dari benak pikiranku yaitu ketika UNESCO mencabut hak privelege Borobudur masuk dalam 7 keajaiban dunia. Bagi Bangsa Indonesia tentunya hal tersebut adalah suatu tamparan yang akan selalu terkenang sampai saat ini. Ketika polling memainkan kuasanya maka, Borobudur tidak lagi disebut dalam 7 keajaiban dunia. Tidak perlu kecewa dan berkecil hati dengan keputusan dari Unesco tersebut toh 7 keajaiban dunia bukanlah suatu pencapaian yang membanggakan. Kebanggaan akan membuat kita sombong dan merasa sempurna tidak mau peduli dengan yang lain. Yang penting adalah menjaga kelestariannya agar anak cucu dari generasi kita bisa merasakan keagungan maha karya nenek moyang Bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah bakti dari generasi sekarang adalah untuk tetap melestarikan keagungan maha karya bangsa ini, terus menjaganya dengan sekuat tenaga, pikiran, dan dana. Membutuhkan suatu perjuangan yang sangat keras untuk mempertahankan prestasi yang pernah dibuat oleh nenek moyang Bangsa Indonesia ini. Terus menjalani apa yang kita hadapi dengan semangat untuk melestarikan warisan budaya Bangsa ini seperti semangat para leluhur yang telah mengorbankan tenaga, dana, bahkan juga nyawa untuk sebuah bangunan yang berada di Kecamatan Borobudur. Suasana romantis pun akan kita dapatkan ketika pertama kali kita menginjakan kaki didalam candi. Tak ada tempat yang seromantis selain Candi Borobudur untuk meng ungkapakan perasaan kita kepada pasangan yang kita sayangi. Kabut pagi hari menemani kehangatan perasaan kita saat kita dan pasangan bersama secara sehati untuk berjanji untuk masa depan yang akan dijalani. Sudahkah kita paham bahwa, sesungguhnya hidup akan berhenti pada suatu masa tertentu saat masa itu telah menghabiskan jatah yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan. Apa yang telah kita capai hari ini adalah suatu anugerah yang terindah yang didapatkan oleh manusia yang telah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari Tuhannya untuk diberikan hidup. Bersyukur karena telah diberi hidup oleh Tuhan lebih baik dari pada menjadi seorang yang terus mengeluh. Hidup tidak ada yang abadi, kadang datang kadang pergi, kita tidak tahu kapan itu terjadi. Ingatlah semua orang yang pernah kita lihat, dengarlah semua suara yang diucapkannya dan rasakan perasaannya kepada kita. Maka pada saat sesuatu itu menghilang kita akan belajr banyak dari apa yang telah kita lakukan sebelumnya. Mengahargai orang, apalagi menghargai karya orang tersebut akan banyak membantu kita dalam mengenali kearifan orang yang kita hargai daripada hanya sekedar melihat tanpa ada ekspresi apalagi sampai menimbulakan perasaan benci. Kokohkan semangat jangan sampai ada virus-virus yang datang dari luar menjangkiti dan menjadikan tubuh menjadi keropos. Selalu menghubungkan diri untuk menjadi bagian yang lain. Menjaga persatuan sampai ikatan kita rapat tidak ada yang bisa menembus bahkan biji zara pun harus dicegah agar integrasi dengan bagian yang lain menjadi kuat. Peningkatan kualitas hidup terus dan harus dicapai untuk menjadikan hidup mendekati dari kesempurnaan. Bergerak dari tingkat yang paling bawah, sedikit-demi sedikit tapi pasti akan lebih baik dari pada sebuah jalan instan yang kita kapan saja setiap waktu bisa sampai tanpa diduga sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu kenikmatan akan segera kita dapatkan dan akan bertahan dalam waktu yang relatif lama. Habis gelap pasti akan terbit terang, hal tersebut sudah menjadi sunatullah jika setiap orang yang merasa menjadi milik-Nya selalu meminta jalan petunjuk yang lurus bukan jalan sesat juga bukan jalan bagi orang-orang yang sombong tanpa pernah meminta petunjuk dari-Nya.

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Caring for Animals Like Love With Ourselves

To care of animals around us do not let us do the harm to these animals. As shown in the photo above a river that flows inside the water with dark red color. Do you know all about the red color of blood from dolphins are hunted by poachers. It is very visible cruel, dolphins are not guilty must be killed in ways that barbaric. Suppose the animal is a friend of manausia that will help people get out of the various environmental problems due to imbalance the ecosystem. But there are some people who think only for economic purposes only. So many animals are beaten all-out to take advantage. Did not they think what is done by some people who are not actually responsible for their own disadvantage and to others. But the animal hunters seem to have stiff heart would not accept the natural desire that most do not want a balanced system. Suppose the animal is also a friend of us. My heart was crushed when he saw the impression some people kill animals with a very confident at all without feeling guilty and guilty at all. The effects of the danger of damage to the ecosystem will eventually result in losses for the man himself. For example there is exemplified a living area that many tigers. then all of a sudden there was a bunch of people who slaughter tigers for the skin taken. If before there was genocide against the population of the animal's tail will reach 200 after a chase number is reduced to a quarter or less than that then the result will be generated which is the usual number of animals eaten by the tiger as the animals herbifora amount will rise dramatically and This occurs in a relatively short time. Next animal that is under the tiger's food chain will be a bunch of very big population and they are certainly a number of very large populations will be trying to push or in other words look for new areas to find food. Maybe it can push into the human environment. Herbifora animals will eat the crops planted by man, when plants are grown for human consumption, but the amount that would be consumed will be reduced by simultaneously herbifora animals that many had also come to eat crops planted by humans was . If this continues then the amount allowed for human food stocks running low, it will certainly harm. So to avoid this is done is by stabilizing. To think not hurt other animals are very difficult especially in this current era of globalization, the hunting of animals for economic motives is to be a trend that continues to rise. Only those who fear globalization and modernism with all who think that hurting animals is a necessity that must be done in order to survive. Various solutions to stop the illegal hunting is not as easy as returning the palm of the hand, but it is a long process and continuing to the results achieved successful. One method that is used to stop poaching one of them is to give legal certainty. Any person doing damage to the environmental damage should be dealt with in accordance with existing law so that later will be able to reduce the number of killings of wild animals are innocent. Or another way is by way of providing good jobs to people who are vulnerable to a hunter of animals protected. People do need a job so if someone has a decent honest work rate killing the protected animals will be reduced, because that was the economic support of the killing of protected animals was replaced by working with appreciation the work environment. It is sometimes also many animals that humans disturb protected, for example, there are many cases in which people sumatera eaten by tigers, or the story of a group of elephants who attack human settlements. In this desperate moment the man is obliged to protect themselves from various kinds of threats that exist. But with problems like this does not necessarily have to say anything. But it must be more than that of finding the base of the main problems, have realized that there was damage on land and at sea were caused by human activity are greedy.

Internet Awareness For Starters Someone (case study housewife)

Housewife role in daily life should not be considered one eye. Just as women who chose to be a career woman who works in an office that requires a certain skill to what he was doing, housewives do not lose a great role in the household. In the company's URLs a housewife should be ready to become a leader who is able to manage household ranging from budget planning to set up the husband and children. Housewives should also be ready to become a worker who is ready to carry out orders the husband, able to do all the housework properly. He also must be ready to be an employee who has the ability to use the facilities in this office is home to the family interests such as using elektronok goods like televisions, radios, irons, washing machines and so forth. He also requires other skills as a chef is required to cook a quality meal with good health patterns for the family. By the time the children were sick housewives are required to become a doctor who understands a wide variety of diseases for families and be able to find solutions for these illnesses. And most importantly he must be able to act as a teacher who teaches children about science. Not only the formal institutions of education children should get, but the most important role is a housewife who knows about the characteristics of their child, so that the education given to children to provide the science is not just about the way science is taught in formal schools . But more than that which concerns the education of religious values, family, humanity, compassion and universal values of others. So to take care of it all can not be simply done by housewives who do not have the ability in knowledge. Occupation housewife who is so hard to have good skills, whether when he became a leader, worker, chef, as well as a teacher, housewife had to look my best in carrying out these tasks. So that housewives work is not a despicable job. Most people think that housewives work merupkan low and does not require a special expertise to run it. But in fact this work also requires a criterion with a good education so they become a housewife all kinds of jobs can be completed with the best. Because jobs are housewives greater responsibility than the career women who work outside the household. If a career woman each day to work outside the home, all sorts of household affairs handed over to others such as helpers, so there are families who hire a maid from the house to fix things in parenting, so until there is the term "child helpers" because every day that parenting is a servant. Women's career would not be able to see the development of the physical or psychological from the child, so the emotional connection between a career woman with her estranged son in comparison to a housewife who really focus on the family. Moreover, coupled with good intellectual ability, can be drawn that he would be so easy to take care of his family. So that the expected end result is a whole family happy. So that the role of knowledge is very important, in this case it provides guidance about the needs of housewives. At the time housewife takes what menggatur financial affairs, there is no harm in opening a lifestyle portal, or when he is required to diagnose a specific illness suffered by her son then opened a portal kesehatanlah, when he ditutut to arrange the interior to make it more beautiful the housewife opened the portal design. When the housewife wants to create a dish that is usually different from the need to open the portals of culinary recipes. Housewives who have the knowledge that many will differ with housewives who have no knowledge at all. Housewives who focus on his job as a housewife and have a good education is better equipped to make the family a quality family as a housewife who thus able to spend time to see their child's development and family and able to become teachers well and directing the family kelauarga become a regular and well nourished. Education obtained from the Internet is not a formal education at school institutions, but one thing that can form the consciousness of the mother's own household. Because the aim of education according to Freire is a critical awareness of a thing, and that person will go on understanding rather than memorization, because he declared himself or something based on "awareness system" 1. Using the Internet to find information important to him will be able to open one's awareness of a thing. From who did not know about something to understand and aware of what they need. READING: Various sources

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